Re: [PATCH v4 1/2] dt-bindings: memory: mediatek: Add SMI reset and clamp for MT8188

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On 06/03/2025 13:45, Friday Yang (杨阳) wrote:
>>> +          const: mediatek,mt8188-smi-larb
>>> +        mediatek,larb-id:
>>> +          oneOf:
>> Are you really sure that you need 'oneOf' here? :-)
>> Regards,
>> Angelo
> Yes, I have tested it. If I try to modify the 'examples'
> like this. That is:
>   change the compatible to "mediatek,mt8188-smi-larb",
>   add 'mediatek,larb-id = <10>;'
> examples:
>   - |+
>     #include <dt-bindings/clock/mt8173-clk.h>
>     #includ
> e <dt-bindings/power/mt8173-power.h>
>     larb1: larb@16010000 {
>       compatible = "mediatek,mt8188-smi-larb";
>       reg = <0x16010000 0x1000>;
>       mediatek,smi = <&smi_common>;
>       mediatek,larb-id = <10>;
>       power-domains = <&scpsys MT8188_POWER_DOMAIN_VDEC>;
>       clocks = <&vdecsys CLK_VDEC_CKEN>,
>                <&vdecsys CLK_VDEC_LARB_CKEN>;
>       clock-names = "apb", "smi";
>     };
> The 'dt_binding_check' could give the following
> errors:
> Documentation/devicetree/bindings/memory-controllers/mediatek,smi-
> larb.example.dtb: larb@16010000: 'resets' is a required property
> from schema $id: 
> Documentation/devicetree/bindings/memory-controllers/mediatek,smi-
> larb.example.dtb: larb@16010000: 'reset-names' is a required property
> from schema $id:  
> And this is what I want to achieve. On the MediaTek MT8188 SoC
> platform, 'resets' and 'reset-names' are only required for SMI LARBs
> located in image, camera and ipe subsys. Others can be ignored. And the
> 'larb-id' of these SMI LARBs are shown in this array: [ 9, 10, 11, 12,
> 13, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 ].
> Please feel free to let me know if you have any doubts.

You did not really answer the question. Where is anything about oneOf in
your reply?

I am dropping this patchset from my queue.

Best regards,

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