Re: [RFC PATCH v2 1/2] devicetree: bindings: mux: reg-mux: Update bindings for reg-mux for new property

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Hello All,

On 3/4/2025 3:53 PM, Chintan Vankar wrote:
DT-binding of reg-mux is defined in such a way that one need to provide
register offset and mask in a "mux-reg-masks" property and corresponding
register value in "idle-states" property. This constraint forces to define
these values in such a way that "mux-reg-masks" and "idle-states" must be
in sync with each other. This implementation would be more complex if
specific register or set of registers need to be configured which has
large memory space. Introduce a new property "mux-reg-masks-state" which
allow to specify offset, mask and value as a tuple in a single property.

Signed-off-by: Chintan Vankar <c-vankar@xxxxxx>

Link to v1:

Changes from v1 to v2:
- Updated dt-bindings for the required conditions as suggested by Conor
   Dooley and Andrew Davis.

  .../devicetree/bindings/mux/reg-mux.yaml      | 28 +++++++++++++++----
  1 file changed, 23 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/mux/reg-mux.yaml b/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/mux/reg-mux.yaml
index dc4be092fc2f..5255e4a06920 100644
--- a/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/mux/reg-mux.yaml
+++ b/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/mux/reg-mux.yaml
@@ -32,12 +32,30 @@ properties:
          - description: pre-shifted bitfield mask
      description: Each entry pair describes a single mux control.
- idle-states: true
+  idle-states:
+    description: Each entry describes mux register state.
-  - compatible
-  - mux-reg-masks
-  - '#mux-control-cells'

Accidentally, I have removed above "required:" section, will update it
when I post next version.


+  mux-reg-masks-state:
+    $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32-matrix
+    items:
+      items:
+        - description: register offset
+        - description: pre-shifted bitfield mask
+        - description: register value to be set
+    description: This property is an extension of mux-reg-masks which
+                 allows specifying register offset, mask and register
+                 value to be set in a single property.
+  - not:
+      required: [mux-reg-masks, mux-reg-masks-state]
+  - if:
+      required:
+        - mux-reg-masks-state
+    then:
+      properties:
+        idle-states: false
additionalProperties: false

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