Re: [PATCH 5/5] ARM: dts: brcmstb: add nodes for SATA controller and PHY

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On 19-03-15 16:53, Brian Norris wrote:
Hi Hans,

Thanks for the review.

On Thu, Mar 19, 2015 at 12:10:25PM +0100, Hans de Goede wrote:
On 19-03-15 02:23, Brian Norris wrote:
Signed-off-by: Brian Norris <computersforpeace@xxxxxxxxx>
Light dependency on:
for the surrounding text.

  arch/arm/boot/dts/bcm7445.dtsi | 36 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  1 file changed, 36 insertions(+)

diff --git a/arch/arm/boot/dts/bcm7445.dtsi b/arch/arm/boot/dts/bcm7445.dtsi
index 9eaeac8dce1b..7a7c4d8c2afe 100644
--- a/arch/arm/boot/dts/bcm7445.dtsi
+++ b/arch/arm/boot/dts/bcm7445.dtsi
@@ -108,6 +108,42 @@
  			brcm,int-map-mask = <0x25c>, <0x7000000>;
  			brcm,int-fwd-mask = <0x70000>;
+		sata@f045a000 {
+			compatible = "brcm,bcm7445-ahci", "brcm,sata3-ahci";
+			reg-names = "ahci", "top-ctrl";
+			reg = <0x45a000 0xa9c>, <0x458040 0x24>;
Why not simply drop the second register range here, and the minimal top-ctrl
poking you need in the phy driver's phy_init function ?
I agree it's a little ugly, but your recommended solution will not work.

The 'top-ctrl' register range includes several SATA functionalities,
some of which are required for the PHY and some of which are definitely
required for the SATA driver.
I see, but the phy driver is required for the SATA driver anyways,
and since the BUS_CTRL setting seems to be static it might just as
well be set by the phy driver. The phy driver also poking some
common sata glue bits like this busctrl register is not unheard of,
esp. when these glue bits are in the phy register range.

We have:

0x00   VERSION
0x04   BUS_CTRL
0x08   TP_CTRL
0x0C   PHY_CTRL_1
0x10   PHY_CTRL_2
0x14   PHY_CTRL_3
0x18   PHY_CTRL_4
0x1C   TP_OUT

We *definitely* need the BUS_CTRL register in the SATA driver, since it
controls the endianness of the AHCI register set as well as a few other
important bits we may use in the future.
Are these bits non static, e.g. something which you may want to change at
another time then init/shutdown/suspend/resume ? If they are static I still
think this all clearly belongs in the phy driver, since this looks a lot
like it is a single hardware block.

If otoh these other bits may need runtime poking for e.g. sata error recovery,
then I can understand why you want the bus ctrl register in the sata driver,
but in that case it should only be mapped by the sata driver, and the phy driver
register ranges should not cover it.

So we can't just "drop" the
"minimal poking" and expect things to work, just because that makes the
device tree look nicer :)
I was not suggesting to drop it I was suggesting moving the poke to phy_init,
and given the registermap you've shown above I still think that this belongs
more in the phy driver then anywhere else.

The problem is what to do with the PHY_CTRL registers that are kept in
the middle of the block. These really belong as part of the PHY
power-on/power-off control sequence (i.e., PHY driver).

Do you have any better suggestions that don't involve dropping the
BUS_CTRL register from the SATA driver?
Nope, if you really believe that the bus-ctrl register should be part of
the sata driver, then please just split the register ranges at a per register
level, to remove the overlap + the hack of not claiming the resource on one side.

This avoids the weird / ugly register overlap with the phy driver, and I think you
can then just use the ahci_platform driver unmodified.

+			interrupts = <GIC_SPI 30 0>;
+			#address-cells = <1>;
+			#size-cells = <0>;
+			sata0: sata-port@0 {
+				reg = <0>;
+				phys = <&sata_phy 0>;
+			};
+			sata1: sata-port@1 {
+				reg = <1>;
+				phys = <&sata_phy 1>;
+			};
+		};
+		sata_phy: sata-phy@f0458100 {
+			compatible = "brcm,bcm7445-sata-phy", "brcm,phy-sata3";
+			reg = <0x458100 0x1e00>, <0x45804c 0x10>;
Why not simply use: reg = <0x458000 0x2000>, to me it seems that what you should
really be using here.
0x458000 to 0x45800f and 0x458080 to 0x4580af belong to a debug
interrupt controller, which handles bus error handling. It's currently
unused, and it definitely doesn't belong here.

The 'phy' register range is actually documented as two sets of identical

0x458100 - 0x458fff  Port0 SATA PHY registers
0x459100 - 0x459fff  Port1 SATA PHY registers

with a hole between them. I definitely don't want to do the combining
that you suggested, but I could probably split them apart if that really
If this is the documented register range, then I think that splitting them makes
sense, and assuming that the init code for both ports is the same it may
even make for cleaner code.


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