Hi, Is there any place where the status of patch "OF: DT-Overlay configfs interface" could be found? As I can see, such a question has been raised in [1], but remained unanswered. I assume it is maintained separately in vendor trees starting from some version of the patch. Is it so? There are several versions of dt-overlay configfs that I have found in the trees of different vendors: - Renesas: [2] - Xilinx: [3] - Altera: [4] Link: https://lore.kernel.org/all/CAAMH-ysawX29vKsqkjjNG=YNTuxjZoAeax2RCycWq_Me7Gz2Jg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx/ [1] Link: https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/geert/renesas-drivers.git/commit/?h=topic/renesas-overlays-v6.11-rc1&id=7c8efb1ea31bc7a06ed20d7bb0e76bcd6db722f8 [2] Link: https://github.com/Xilinx/linux-xlnx/commit/7e42c87c489b702795794e480fb5483897ff9e91 [3] Link: https://github.com/altera-opensource/linux-socfpga/commits/socfpga-6.6.22-lts/drivers/of/configfs.c [4]