This series performs various improvements and enables PHYs and USB Role Switching for proper PM support and to stop relying on the bootloader's pre-boot configuration. USB Role Switching doesn't include Alternate Modes yet, as this needs some more work. As for the regulator nodes, those were not probing correctly, producing unability to resume after PM suspend. AngeloGioacchino Del Regno (5): arm64: dts: mediatek: mt8395-nio-12l: Fix MT6360 regulator nodes names arm64: dts: medaitek: mt8395-nio-12l: Set i2c6 pins to bias-disable arm64: dts: mediatek: mt8395-nio-12l: Define RSEL in microamperes arm64: dts: mediatek: mt8395-nio-12l: Enable PHYs and USB role switch arm64: dts: mediatek: mt8395-nio-12l: Add power supplies for CPU/GPU scaling .../dts/mediatek/mt8395-radxa-nio-12l.dts | 106 ++++++++++++++++-- 1 file changed, 94 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-) -- 2.44.0