Il 04/07/23 13:13, Yunfei Dong ha scritto:
Adding different context struct for encoder and decoder and removing struct 'mtk_vcodec_ctx'. Signed-off-by: Yunfei Dong <yunfei.dong@xxxxxxxxxxxx> Reviewed-by: Nicolas Dufresne <nicolas.dufresne@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> --- .../mediatek/vcodec/mtk_vcodec_com_drv.h | 76 +++++
Only one remark. "com" may mean "communication" or "common", but if you rename this to `mtk_vcodec_cmn_drv.h`, then "cmn" can only mean "common", which would increase the chances to immediately understand what the header is about. Unless, of course, anyone else has strong opinions against. Besides.... Reviewed-by: AngeloGioacchino Del Regno <angelogioacchino.delregno@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>