Dear Arm64 Linux Community, the sc7180 device tree files are missing the declaration of the Hexagon 692 DSP that's providing the Qualcomm AI Engine on this SoC [1] based on the FastRPC driver. In contrast, the sc8280xp device tree files do include the corresponding declarations [2] and the cDSP does show up as /dev/fastrpc-cdsp{,-secure} on sc8280xp based devices. Is there anyone in the community, perhaps folks at Linaro or QuIC that might have access to the hardware documentation and could help provide the information required to declare the DSP in the device tree? This should require the cDSP base address, the number of compute-cb nodes as well as their correct iommu and reg values. Hexagon 692 DSP supports 5 TOPS, so declaring support in the device tree can unlock simple, but non-trivial and interactive use-cases with, for example, GPT-2-Large style models compiled for Hexagon with Apache TVM. Best regards, Leonard Lausen [1]: [2]: