Re: [PATCH 0/3] ARM: dts: AM43x: Fix DCDC3 regulator voltage

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On Friday 07 November 2014 12:59 AM, Robert Nelson wrote:
On Thu, Nov 6, 2014 at 12:25 PM, Tony Lindgren <tony@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
* Keerthy <j-keerthy@xxxxxx> [141106 02:55]:
Fix DCDC3 volatge to 1.5V which is the right value to be supplied by
DCDC3 for all the boards.
Hmm so what about the comments for similar beaglebone changes
in thread "[PATCH] ARM: dts: am335x-boneblack: set dcdc1 regulator
for 1.35v ddr3"?
Based on Keerthy's patchset, i think we should just ignore my "1.35v"
ddr3 patch for the beaglebone black. As by default it will be at
1.50v. (so we can either define it for clarity at 1.50v or just ignore


Are you guys seeing these same ddr lockups if u-boot correctly set's
the 1.35v level first? Or should we just really leave it at the
default power on voltage level? (till either u-boot or kernel grows
the capabilities to correctly tell the ddr3 we are changing it's

In our case even u-boot lets it to be at 1.5V. The problem is
when the regulators are registered we try to set it 1.35V since
that is what we are passing from device tree. I see lock up
on the latest boards we have.



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