Il 06/04/22 11:46, Rex-BC Chen ha scritto:
The driver data of MT8183 and MT8173 are different. The value of has_gamma for MT8173 is true while the value of MT8183 is false. Therefore, the compatible of disp_aal for MT8183 is not suitable for the compatible for MT8173. Signed-off-by: Rex-BC Chen <rex-bc.chen@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Hello! Yes, I definitely agree with this change, it makes no sense to have both 8173 and 8183 compatibles for 8183 (and similar). Though, please, add a note in this commit message advertising that the mistake was only in the yaml binding, as the driver doesn't require any functional changes, so that things are clear for people with less expertise on MediaTek platforms. After that: Reviewed-by: AngeloGioacchino Del Regno <angelogioacchino.delregno@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>