Re: [EXT] regression due to soc_device_match not handling defer (Was: [PATCH v4 4/4] soc: imx8m: change to use platform driver)

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Hi Lucas,

On 2021/6/24 18:36, Lucas Stach wrote:
Hi all,

Am Donnerstag, dem 15.04.2021 um 01:33 +0000 schrieb Peng Fan:
(Was: [PATCH v4 4/4] soc: imx8m: change to use platform driver)

Alice Guo (OSS) wrote on Tue, Mar 30, 2021 at 02:41:23AM +0000:
Thanks for reporting this issue, I'll check and add a fix to handle defer probe.
I haven't seen any follow up on this, have you had a chance to take a look?
We are trying to find a proper solution for this.

The proper method might be make soc_device_match return probe defer,
and take early soc attr into consideration, but I am not sure this would win
maintainer's vote.

If this won't make it for 5.12 (in a couple of week probably?) would it make
sense to revert 7d981405d0fd ("soc: imx8m: change to use platform
driver") for now?
Please no. We are targeting android GKI, make driver as modules.
And reverting to original method will also break kexec.

I am on IRC #linux-imx, we could take more if you would like to.
It seems this stalled. This regression totally breaks the kernel boot
on all i.MX8M devices including the CAAM. 5.13 is about to be released,
as the second upstream kernel release after 5.12 without a fix for this
issue. What's the plan here?

If there is no good solution small enough to be ported to the stable
kernels in sight, I think the only sensible option here is to revert
this change.
I not have time to touch this, maybe you could submit a revert for this.



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