Re: [PATCH v3 4/7] i2c: aspeed: Acknowledge Tx done w/wo ACK irq late

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On 20/05/2021 06:43, Joel Stanley wrote:
On Wed, 19 May 2021 at 07:50, Quan Nguyen <quan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
With Tx done w/wo ACK are ack'ed early at beginning of irq handler,
Is w/wo a typo? If not, please write the full words ("with and without")

It is "with and without", will fix in next version

it is observed that, usually, the Tx done with Ack irq raises in the
READ REQUESTED state. This is unexpected and complaint as below appear:
"Unexpected Ack on read request"

Assumed that Tx done should only be ack'ed once it was truly processed,
switch to late ack'ed this two irqs and seen this issue go away through
test with AST2500..
Please read Guneter's commit message
2be6b47211e17e6c90ead40d24d2a5cc815f2d5c to confirm that your changes
do not invalidate the fix that they made.  Add them to CC for review.

Again, this is a fix that is independent of the ssif work. Please send
it separately with a Fixes line.

Will do and separate this patch into other series in next version.

Signed-off-by: Quan Nguyen <quan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
   + First introduce in v3 [Quan]

  drivers/i2c/busses/i2c-aspeed.c | 26 ++++++++++++++++++--------
  1 file changed, 18 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

diff --git a/drivers/i2c/busses/i2c-aspeed.c b/drivers/i2c/busses/i2c-aspeed.c
index 3fb37c3f23d4..b2e9c8f0ddf7 100644
--- a/drivers/i2c/busses/i2c-aspeed.c
+++ b/drivers/i2c/busses/i2c-aspeed.c
@@ -606,8 +606,12 @@ static irqreturn_t aspeed_i2c_bus_irq(int irq, void *dev_id)

         irq_received = readl(bus->base + ASPEED_I2C_INTR_STS_REG);
-       /* Ack all interrupts except for Rx done */
-       writel(irq_received & ~ASPEED_I2CD_INTR_RX_DONE,
+       /*
+        * Ack all interrupts except for Rx done and
+        * Tx done with/without ACK
Nit: this comment can be on one line.

Thanks, will fix.
+        */
+       writel(irq_received &
                bus->base + ASPEED_I2C_INTR_STS_REG);
         readl(bus->base + ASPEED_I2C_INTR_STS_REG);
         irq_received &= ASPEED_I2CD_INTR_RECV_MASK;
@@ -652,12 +656,18 @@ static irqreturn_t aspeed_i2c_bus_irq(int irq, void *dev_id)
                         "irq handled != irq. expected 0x%08x, but was 0x%08x\n",
                         irq_received, irq_handled);

-       /* Ack Rx done */
-       if (irq_received & ASPEED_I2CD_INTR_RX_DONE) {
-               writel(ASPEED_I2CD_INTR_RX_DONE,
-                      bus->base + ASPEED_I2C_INTR_STS_REG);
-               readl(bus->base + ASPEED_I2C_INTR_STS_REG);
-       }
+       /* Ack Rx done and Tx done with/without ACK */
+       /* Note: Re-use irq_handled variable */
I'm not sure what this note means.

+       irq_handled = 0;
+       if (irq_received & ASPEED_I2CD_INTR_RX_DONE)
+               irq_handled |= ASPEED_I2CD_INTR_RX_DONE;
+       if (irq_received & ASPEED_I2CD_INTR_TX_ACK)
+               irq_handled |= ASPEED_I2CD_INTR_TX_ACK;
+       if (irq_received & ASPEED_I2CD_INTR_TX_NAK)
+               irq_handled |= ASPEED_I2CD_INTR_TX_NAK;
+       writel(irq_handled, bus->base + ASPEED_I2C_INTR_STS_REG);
Are you intentionally only acking the bits that are set when we read
from STS_REG at the start of the handler? If not, we could write this

         bus->base + ASPEED_I2C_INTR_STS_REG);

If you only want to ack the bits that are set, then do this:

   writel(irq_received &
          bus->base + ASPEED_I2C_INTR_STS_REG);

That way, you can avoid all of the tests.

Thanks, will fix this in next version.

+       readl(bus->base + ASPEED_I2C_INTR_STS_REG);
When you move this, please add a comment that reminds us why we do a
write-then-read (see commit c926c87b8e36dcc0ea5c2a0a0227ed4f32d0516a).

Will fix in next version.
         return irq_remaining ? IRQ_NONE : IRQ_HANDLED;

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