Hi, The patch "of: address: Work around missing device_type property in pcie nodes" by Marc Zyngier, d1ac0002dd297069bb8448c2764c9c31c4668441, causes the "DUMO" variant of the gru-scarlet-inx, at the very least, to not boot. A gru-kevin reportedly had no issues booting (further), though it most likely had a different kernel configuration. Using a SuzyQ cable, there is absolutely no serial output at boot, while reverting the commit (and this commit alone) on top of v5.9-rc2 works just as it did with v5.9-rc1. >From this point on, I don't know what's the usual process, so bear with me if I forgot to provide relevant information, or made a faux-pas by CC-ing too many people or not enough. Thanks.