Hi Geert, On Fri, Sep 27, 2019 at 11:07:20AM +0200, Geert Uytterhoeven wrote: [..] > My standard reply would be: describe the device connected to the GPIO(s) > in DT. The GPIO line polarities are specified in the device's "gpios" > properties. > > BTW, can you give an example of what's actually connected to those > GPIOs? > Is it a complex device (the GPIO is only a part of it, it's also hanging > off e.g. an I2C bus)? > Is it something simple (e.g. an LED ("gpio-leds"), relay, or actuator)? Since the targeted user of the new feature is not in immediate vicinity, we expect some delay in getting this information. > > Next step would be to use the device from Linux. For that to work, you > need a dedicated driver (for the complex case), or something generic > (for the simple case). > The latter is not unlike e.g. spidev. Once you have a generic driver, > you can use "driver_override" in sysfs to bind the generic driver to > your device. See e.g. commit 5039563e7c25eccd ("spi: Add > driver_override SPI device attribute"). We have passed your suggestions along. Many thanks. > Currently we don't have a "generic" driver for GPIOs. We do have the > GPIO chardev interface, which exports a full gpio_chip. > It indeed looks like this "gpio-inverter" could be used as a generic > driver. But it is limited to GPIOs that are inverted, which rules out > some use cases. > > So what about making it more generic, and dropping the "inverter" from > its name, and the "inverted" from the "inverted-gpios" property? After > all the inversion can be specified by the polarity of the GPIO cells in > the "gpios" property, and the GPIO core will take care of it[*]? > Which boils down to adding a simple DT interface to my gpio-aggregator > ("[PATCH/RFC v2 0/5] gpio: Add GPIO Aggregator Driver", > https://lore.kernel.org/lkml/20190911143858.13024-1-geert+renesas@xxxxxxxxx/). > And now I have realized[*], we probably no longer need the GPIO > Forwarder Helper, as there is no need to add inversion on top. After having a look at the gpio aggregator (and giving it a try on R-Car3 H3ULCB), here is how I interpret the above comment: If there is still a compelling reason for having gpio-inverter, then it probably makes sense to strip it from its "inverter" function (hence, transforming it into some kind of "repeater") on the basis that the inverting function is more of a collateral/secondary feature, rather than its primary one. Just like in the case of gpio aggregator, the primary function of gpio inverter is to accept a bunch of GPIO lines and to expose those via a dedicated gpiochip. I hope this is a proper summary of the first point in your comment. In any case, this is the understanding I get based on my experiments with both drivers. What I also infer is that, assuming gpio-inverter will stay (potentially renamed and stripped of its non-essential inverting function), the gpio aggregator will need to keep its Forwarder Helper (supposed to act as a common foundation for both drivers). The second point which I extract from your comment is that the "gpio aggregator" could alternatively acquire the role of "gpio-inverter" (hence superseding it) by adding a "simple DT interface". I actually tend to like this proposal, since (as said above) both drivers are essentially doing the same thing, i.e. they cluster a number of gpio lines and expose this cluster as a new gpiochip (keeping the reserved/used gpio lines on hold). That looks like a huge overlap in the functionalities of the two drivers. The only difference which I see is that "gpio-inverter" is getting its input from DT and generates the gpiochips at probe time, while "gpio aggregator" is getting its input from sysfs and generates the gpiochips at runtime, post-probe. So, assuming no objections from Harish and other reviewers, I would be very happy to review and test the DT-based gpio inversion functionality as part of gpio aggregator. Thanks! -- Best Regards, Eugeniu