I would like to see the DT and DTC lists added to lore, but my archive of them is not complete. If someone has a complete archive, I'd love some help to add them. BTW, we switched to vger in July 2013. Rob ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Konstantin Ryabitsev <konstantin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Date: Fri, Sep 21, 2018 at 11:32 AM Subject: [kernel.org users] Adding other vger lists to lore.kernel.org archival To: <users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Hi, all: We're now accepting requests to archive other vger.kernel.org lists on lore, as we have just done with linux-pci: https://lore.kernel.org/linux-pci The prerequisite for adding a list is collecting best-effort mail archives -- the process is described on the following wiki page: https://korg.wiki.kernel.org/userdoc/lore Best regards, Konstantin