Re: [RFC 0/1] Device Tree Schema Source format proposal

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Hi Tomasz,

I'm glad you're back, we were missing you on that topic :-)

On 18/10/2013 16:56, Tomasz Figa wrote:
Hi All,

Since the ARM Kernel Summit in Edinburgh is coming by big steps and we
need some food for thought for discussions that will be happening there,
I am posting my work in progress on Device Tree Schema Source format.

I know I've been supposed to actively work on this and come up with
something working long time ago already, but due to unexpected
circumstances (aka neverending streams of other work) I could spend way
less time than I wanted on it.

How miserably I failed can be seen on an example of Benoit's and Fabien's
attempt to solve this problem that has likely taken much less time and
is in an already working state.
That was more a proof of concept that helped us checking our assumptions 
and the feasibility. Based on the first feedbacks, we were working on a 
slightly different v2, that will anyway not be ready for ELCE. Your 
inputs are thus very welcome and will help progressing and converging on 
the schema definition.
Well, at least, I hope :-)

So here I am, posting whatever I have done till now to present my ideas
that came to my mind while working on this and possibly allow wider
discussion on this topic.
Great, I'll review that during the flight to be able to discuss that 
next week.
A work in progress text on DTSS format will be sent in a follow-up
message, for clarity.
See you next week,


Benoît Cousson
Embedded Linux Technology Lab
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