Hi folks! I'm sharing the notes from our regular meeting that was held yesterday. We had updates around several of our initiatives, particularly around System DT and runtime identification of DTB. More details about the meeting etc. at the end. Attendees ========= SteveM - Arm GrantL - Arm MarkB - Arm RobH - Arm AlexandreT - ST BenjaminG - ST EricF - ST LoïcP - ST BillM - TI FrankR - ?? BruceA - Xilinx StefanoS - Xilinx MathieuP - Linaro BillF - Linaro KumarG - Linaro VincentG - Linaro TrilokS - Qualcomm Notes ===== 1. DTE-18 - DTB runtime ID a. Alexandre posted patches, went through review b. v2 coming soon 1. Don't modify DTC directly, but tweak how things are built slightly 2. ETA? maybe 3w 2. DTE-19 - working out what's changed since the DTB build a. Time to talk on the list to see how to do this best 1. Checksum per node, one of 2 ways: a. Modify the sources to include the checksum? b. Update the DTB format to add support directly? 2. Discuss on-list 3. DTE-17: Arnd's prototype work for external DT repo a. Status update? No Arnd this week, so not this time b. Not everybody will be at FOSDEM or the Arm kernel summit in Cambridge, so limited scope for discussion about this c. SM will try to organise something for Cambridge next week 4. DTE-2: System DT a. Adding spec for new bindings is ok, but need to add more explanation of how things should be used (e.g. how to map interrupts to multiple domains, multiple controllers) b. Stefano promises more docs soon to describe things c. ETA for having a working demo? 1. Will change again before it heads upstream 2. Things work ok for a demo already! :-) 3. Just needs more docs to describe 5. DTE-8: DTB lifecycle a. Trying to get LEDGE group working on this, working on planning meetings for next week b. Interested parties - please say so and we'll try and include you too c. Specifically thinking about bootloader-applied overlays, not dynamic stuff applied by kernel at runtime d. TI really looking for a collaboration space here e. ST interested in U-Boot starting with one DT, then applying an overlay before passing it to kernel 1. Source-level problem here - whey do we have two different (almost-complete) DTs in both U-Boot and Linux? 2. DTE-17 could help here 6. Meetings at BUD20 Connect? a. Let Steve know about availability and what you'd like to talk about b. Sessions in the BUD20 schedule: 1. Thu 11:00: System DT 2. Mon 15:30: New approach to dynamically manage hardware bus firewalls 7. Linux on Arm summit in Cambridge next week a. Some of our group will be around and may have some informal discussion b. Not a formal DT sprint! Background information about DTE ================================ Linaro engineers are working on a range of initiatives in the DT space, collected together as a project called Device Tree Evolution (DTE). We hold a discussion call every second Wednesday at 1700 GMT / 1200 EST / 0900 PST. If you would like to be invited, please ask me (Steve McIntyre). This is a summary of the notes from the most recent meeting. I aim to tidy up and post the meeting notes shortly after each meeting. The raw notes are published at https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vRVDrVFWjIOascqZFCO--T8pIqyFB_MDh9cvgyoqhI6Y0tqaA9TcCcvQhcmxi5IY7CG44JfIrCdAUDL/pub For more information about DTE, see: * https://www.linaro.org/engineering/core/devicetree-evolution/ * https://www.linaro.org/assets/pdf/Linaro-White-Paper--Device-Tree-Evolution.pdf Cheers, -- Steve McIntyre steve.mcintyre@xxxxxxxxxx <http://www.linaro.org/> Linaro.org | Open source software for ARM SoCs