Hey Yuval, I actually want the swift or s3 api to make the requests like for putting an object I have a swift api "upload bucket object" similarly I want apis for thd above mentioned operation
On Wed, 17 Jun 2020, 14:28 Yuval Lifshitz, <ylifshit@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
post object and multipart upload are in src/rgw/rgw_op.ccsetting up bucket notifications is in: src/rgw/rgw_rest_pubsub.ccactual sending of bucket notifications is handled in: src/rgw/rgw_notify.c.but, from tracing perspective, is part of the "ops flow"On Wed, Jun 17, 2020 at 8:44 AM Abhinav Singh <singhabhinav0796@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:Hello everyone, I found that s3 has the api for rgw request like post object,bucket notification,multipart upload but I cant find the implementation of those. Can someone show me or give me a link about those implementations,_______________________________________________Thank You
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