Hello! I am seeing a TypeError when configuring a cluster handle, and it seems like it is *probably* some sort of versioning/build related issue, but I wanted to get some clarity here. Also, if it is a bug, I am not exactly sure how to register it, so some pointers there would be great. The description of the issue is that the rados.py module (<path-to-pythonlib>/python3.6/site-packages/rados.py) has code of the following nature: ... if clustername is not None and not isinstance(clustername, str): raise TypeError('clustername must be a string or None') ... ret = run_in_thread( self.librados.rados_create2, ( byref(self.cluster), c_char_p(clustername), c_char_p(name), c_uint64(flags) ) ) but calling `c_char_p(<str>)` throws a TypeError ("bytes or integer address expected instead of str instance"). This leads me to believe that at some point, or for some versions, c_char_p took a string and now for my environment it doesn't. I went through the rados.py file and byte-encoded the strings (using "string".encode('utf-8')), and the TypeError is no longer thrown, but I haven't yet tested much further in order to know if I've shot myself in the foot. I tried looking for the source, but couldn't quite figure out where this code is generated from, or kept. The closest I seem to be to finding the source is this file: https://github.com/ceph/ceph/blob/master/src/pybind/rados/rados.pyx I would appreciate some help/insight/guidance as to a proper fix, if this bug was filed before (how could it not? but also I couldn't find when searching the issue tracker), and where to report if it is unreported. Thanks! ------------------------------ Verbose, relevant information below: A minimal script to reproduce the errors: https://gist.github.com/drin/461942b0a361053203607cb5eb17cac4 The error: TypeError: bytes or integer address expected instead of str instance The environment: cat /etc/os-release NAME="Ubuntu" VERSION="18.04.1 LTS (Bionic Beaver)" rados package installed: python3-rados_12.2.12-0ubuntu0.18.04.5_amd64.deb A 2-node cluster (1 client, 1 osd), setup in the following way on cloudlab: https://github.com/uccross/skyhookdm-ceph/wiki/Ceph-SkyhookDM-cluster-setup#full-install-of-ceph-lumionus-with-skyhookdm-extensions The python interpreter version and dependencies: Python 3.6.9 atomicwrites 1.3.0 attrs 19.3.0 awscli 1.18.39 botocore 1.15.39 colorama 0.4.3 cython 0.29.16 docutils 0.15.2 flatbuffers 1.11 h5py 2.10.0 importlib-metadata 1.6.0 jmespath 0.9.5 more-itertools 8.2.0 numpy 1.18.2 owlready2 0.23 pandas 1.0.3 pluggy 0.13.1 py 1.8.1 pyarrow 0.15.1 pyasn1 0.4.8 pytest 3.10.1 python-dateutil 2.8.1 pytz 2019.3 pyyaml 5.3.1 rsa 3.4.2 s3transfer 0.3.3 scipy 1.4.1 six 1.14.0 urllib3 1.25.9 zipp 3.1.0 _______________________________________________ Dev mailing list -- dev@xxxxxxx To unsubscribe send an email to dev-leave@xxxxxxx