Re: [ceph-users] v15.2.0 Octopus released

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I modified our sync-push script a little so the symlinks are relative
instead of absolute.  (

In addition to that change, if you add `--copy-links` to your rsync
command, it syncs as expected now.

On 3/24/20 1:48 PM, David Galloway wrote:
> I have tried on-and-off all morning to get the magical combination of
> rsync flags to get this working and I don't think it's possible.
> The plan is, for each version released, have that version go in its
> respective /rpm-X.X.X directory.  Once all the packages are pushed, the
> /rpm-octopus symlink is then pointed to the new version rpm-X.X.X dir.
> @Sage what are your thoughts on rsyncd currently being broken due to
> this new directory structure?  It has also broken our mirror syncing
> procedure.  e.g., doesn't have {deb,rpm}-octopus dirs.
> On 3/24/20 1:32 PM, Eric Goirand wrote:
>> Thanks Abhishek for the rpm-15.2.0 link.
>> @David are there any plans to have rsync still work with rpm-octopus as
>> it is the case for http access ?
>> If you plan to move to rpm-15.2.0, would it still be the same directory
>> when you go to 15.2.1 or 15.2.x as it will be difficult to change the
>> DNF or YUM URLs to cope with these changes.
>> Thanks and Regards,
>> Eric.
>> On Tue, Mar 24, 2020 at 3:10 PM Abhishek Lekshmanan <abhishek@xxxxxxxx
>> <mailto:abhishek@xxxxxxxx>> wrote:
>>     Eric Goirand <egoirand@xxxxxxxxxx <mailto:egoirand@xxxxxxxxxx>> writes:
>>     > Hello Abhishek,
>>     Hi Eric
>>     >
>>     > Many Many Thanks to all the contributors for this awesome milestone !
>>     > Two thumbs up to you all !
>>     The directory structure changed (buried somewhere in the release
>>     announcment) mainly so that we can make it easy to retire a bad release
>>     etc. so rpm-octopus should be a symlink to
>>     I've CC'ed David who's in charge of the infra.
>>     > Note however that the Octopus repository via rsync is no longer
>>     accessible :
>>     > rsync -aiv --dry-run rsync://
>>     <> .
>>     > receiving incremental file list
>>     > rsync: change_dir "/rpm-octopus" (in ceph) failed: No such file or
>>     > directory (2)
>>     >
>>     > But, is still accessible using http :
>>     >
>>     > Would you know who to contact to have the rsync access work again ?
>>     >
>>     > Many Thanks,
>>     >
>>     > Eric.
>>     >
>>     >
>>     > On Tue, Mar 24, 2020 at 12:41 PM Abhishek Lekshmanan
>>     <abhishek@xxxxxxxx <mailto:abhishek@xxxxxxxx>>
>>     > wrote:
>>     >
>>     >>
>>     >> We're happy to announce the first stable release of Octopus v15.2.0.
>>     >> There are a lot of changes and new features added, we advise
>>     everyone to
>>     >> read the release notes carefully, and in particular the upgrade
>>     notes,
>>     >> before upgrading. Please refer to the official blog entry
>>     >> for a detailed
>>     >> version with links & changelog.
>>     >>
>>     >> This release wouldn't have been possible without the support of the
>>     >> community, this release saw contributions from over 330
>>     developers & 80
>>     >> organizations, and we thank everyone for making this release happen.
>>     >>
>>     >> Major Changes from Nautilus
>>     >> ---------------------------
>>     >> General
>>     >> ~~~~~~~
>>     >> * A new deployment tool called **cephadm** has been introduced that
>>     >>   integrates Ceph daemon deployment and management via containers
>>     >>   into the orchestration layer.
>>     >> * Health alerts can now be muted, either temporarily or permanently.
>>     >> * Health alerts are now raised for recent Ceph daemons crashes.
>>     >> * A simple 'alerts' module has been introduced to send email
>>     >>   health alerts for clusters deployed without the benefit of an
>>     >>   existing external monitoring infrastructure.
>>     >> * Packages are built for the following distributions:
>>     >>   - CentOS 8
>>     >>   - CentOS 7 (partial--see below)
>>     >>   - Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic)
>>     >>   - Debian Buster
>>     >>   - Container images (based on CentOS 8)
>>     >>
>>     >>   Note that the dashboard, prometheus, and restful manager modules
>>     >>   will not work on the CentOS 7 build due to Python 3 module
>>     >>   dependencies that are missing in CentOS 7.
>>     >>
>>     >>   Besides this packages built by the community will also
>>     available for the
>>     >>   following distros:
>>     >>   - Fedora (33/rawhide)
>>     >>   - openSUSE (15.2, Tumbleweed)
>>     >>
>>     >> Dashboard
>>     >> ~~~~~~~~~
>>     >> The mgr-dashboard has gained a lot of new features and functionality:
>>     >>
>>     >> * UI Enhancements
>>     >>   - New vertical navigation bar
>>     >>   - New unified sidebar: better background task and events
>>     notification
>>     >>   - Shows all progress mgr module notifications
>>     >>   - Multi-select on tables to perform bulk operations
>>     >>
>>     >> * Dashboard user account security enhancements
>>     >>   - Disabling/enabling existing user accounts
>>     >>   - Clone an existing user role
>>     >>   - Users can change their own password
>>     >>   - Configurable password policies: Minimum password
>>     complexity/length
>>     >>     requirements
>>     >>   - Configurable password expiration
>>     >>   - Change password after first login
>>     >>
>>     >> New and enhanced management of Ceph features/services:
>>     >>
>>     >> * OSD/device management
>>     >>   - List all disks associated with an OSD
>>     >>   - Add support for blinking enclosure LEDs via the orchestrator
>>     >>   - List all hosts known by the orchestrator
>>     >>   - List all disks and their properties attached to a node
>>     >>   - Display disk health information (health prediction and SMART
>>     data)
>>     >>   - Deploy new OSDs on new disks/hosts
>>     >>   - Display and allow sorting by an OSD's default device class in
>>     the OSD
>>     >>     table
>>     >>   - Explicitly set/change the device class of an OSD, display and
>>     sort
>>     >> OSDs by
>>     >>     device class
>>     >>
>>     >> * Pool management
>>     >>   - Viewing and setting pool quotas
>>     >>   - Define and change per-pool PG autoscaling mode
>>     >>
>>     >> * RGW management enhancements
>>     >>   - Enable bucket versioning
>>     >>   - Enable MFA support
>>     >>   - Select placement target on bucket creation
>>     >>
>>     >> * CephFS management enhancements
>>     >>   - CephFS client eviction
>>     >>   - CephFS snapshot management
>>     >>   - CephFS quota management
>>     >>   - Browse CephFS directory
>>     >>
>>     >> * iSCSI management enhancements
>>     >>   - Show iSCSI GW status on landing page
>>     >>   - Prevent deletion of IQNs with open sessions
>>     >>   - Display iSCSI "logged in" info
>>     >>
>>     >> * Prometheus alert management
>>     >>   - List configured Prometheus alerts
>>     >>
>>     >> RADOS
>>     >> ~~~~~
>>     >> * Objects can now be brought in sync during recovery by copying only
>>     >>   the modified portion of the object, reducing tail latencies during
>>     >>   recovery.
>>     >> * Ceph will allow recovery below *min_size* for Erasure coded pools,
>>     >>   wherever possible.
>>     >> * The PG autoscaler feature introduced in Nautilus is enabled for
>>     >>   new pools by default, allowing new clusters to autotune *pg num*
>>     >>   without any user intervention.  The default values for new pools
>>     >>   and RGW/CephFS metadata pools have also been adjusted to perform
>>     >>   well for most users.
>>     >> * BlueStore has received several improvements and performance
>>     >>   updates, including improved accounting for "omap" (key/value)
>>     >>   object data by pool, improved cache memory management, and a
>>     >>   reduced allocation unit size for SSD devices.  (Note that by
>>     >>   default, the first time each OSD starts after upgrading to octopus
>>     >>   it will trigger a conversion that may take from a few minutes to a
>>     >>   few hours, depending on the amount of stored "omap" data.)
>>     >> * Snapshot trimming metadata is now managed in a more efficient and
>>     >>   scalable fashion.
>>     >>
>>     >> RBD block storage
>>     >> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>>     >> * Mirroring now supports a new snapshot-based mode that no longer
>>     requires
>>     >>   the journaling feature and its related impacts in exchange for
>>     the loss
>>     >>   of point-in-time consistency (it remains crash consistent).
>>     >> * Clone operations now preserve the sparseness of the underlying
>>     RBD image.
>>     >> * The trash feature has been improved to (optionally) automatically
>>     >>   move old parent images to the trash when their children are all
>>     >>   deleted or flattened.
>>     >> * The trash can be configured to automatically purge on a defined
>>     schedule.
>>     >> * Images can be online re-sparsified to reduce the usage of
>>     zeroed extents.
>>     >> * The `rbd-nbd` tool has been improved to use more modern kernel
>>     >> interfaces.
>>     >> * Caching has been improved to be more efficient and performant.
>>     >> * `rbd-mirror` automatically adjusts its per-image memory usage based
>>     >>   upon its memory target.
>>     >> * A new persistent read-only caching daemon is available to
>>     offload reads
>>     >> from
>>     >>   shared parent images.
>>     >>
>>     >> RGW object storage
>>     >> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>>     >> * New `Multisite Sync Policy` primitives for per-bucket replication.
>>     >> (EXPERIMENTAL)
>>     >> * S3 feature support:
>>     >>     - Bucket Replication (EXPERIMENTAL)
>>     >>     - `Bucket Notifications`_ via HTTP/S, AMQP and Kafka
>>     >>     - Bucket Tagging
>>     >>     - Object Lock
>>     >>     - Public Access Block for buckets
>>     >> * Bucket sharding:
>>     >>     - Significantly improved listing performance on buckets with many
>>     >> shards.
>>     >>     - Dynamic resharding prefers prime shard counts for improved
>>     >> distribution.
>>     >>     - Raised the default number of bucket shards to 11.
>>     >> * Added `HashiCorp Vault Integration`_ for SSE-KMS.
>>     >> * Added Keystone token cache for S3 requests.
>>     >>
>>     >> CephFS distributed file system
>>     >> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>>     >> * Inline data support in CephFS has been deprecated and will
>>     likely be
>>     >>   removed in a future release.
>>     >> * MDS daemons can now be assigned to manage a particular file
>>     system via
>>     >> the
>>     >>   new `mds_join_fs` option.
>>     >> * MDS now aggressively asks idle clients to trim caps which improves
>>     >> stability
>>     >>   when file system load changes.
>>     >> * The mgr volumes plugin has received numerous improvements to
>>     support
>>     >> CephFS
>>     >>   via CSI, including snapshots and cloning.
>>     >> * cephfs-shell has had numerous incremental improvements and bug
>>     fixes.
>>     >>
>>     >>
>>     >> Upgrading from Mimic or Nautilus
>>     >> --------------------------------
>>     >>   You can monitor the progress of your upgrade at each stage with the
>>     >>   `ceph versions` command, which will tell you what ceph
>>     version(s) are
>>     >>   running for each type of daemon.
>>     >>
>>     >> Instructions
>>     >> ~~~~~~~~~~~~
>>     >> #. Make sure your cluster is stable and healthy (no down or
>>     >>    recovering OSDs).  (Optional, but recommended.)
>>     >>
>>     >> #. Set the `noout` flag for the duration of the upgrade. (Optional,
>>     >>    but recommended.)::
>>     >>
>>     >>      # ceph osd set noout
>>     >>
>>     >> #. Upgrade monitors by installing the new packages and restarting the
>>     >>    monitor daemons.  For example, on each monitor host,::
>>     >>
>>     >>      # systemctl restart
>>     >>
>>     >>    Once all monitors are up, verify that the monitor upgrade is
>>     >>    complete by looking for the `octopus` string in the mon
>>     >>    map.  The command::
>>     >>
>>     >>      # ceph mon dump | grep min_mon_release
>>     >>
>>     >>    should report::
>>     >>
>>     >>      min_mon_release 15 (nautilus)
>>     >>
>>     >>    If it doesn't, that implies that one or more monitors hasn't been
>>     >>    upgraded and restarted and/or the quorum does not include all
>>     monitors.
>>     >>
>>     >> #. Upgrade `ceph-mgr` daemons by installing the new packages and
>>     >>    restarting all manager daemons.  For example, on each manager
>>     host,::
>>     >>
>>     >>      # systemctl restart
>>     >>
>>     >>    Verify the `ceph-mgr` daemons are running by checking `ceph
>>     >>    -s`::
>>     >>
>>     >>      # ceph -s
>>     >>
>>     >>      ...
>>     >>        services:
>>     >>         mon: 3 daemons, quorum foo,bar,baz
>>     >>         mgr: foo(active), standbys: bar, baz
>>     >>      ...
>>     >>
>>     >> #. Upgrade all OSDs by installing the new packages and restarting the
>>     >>    ceph-osd daemons on all OSD hosts::
>>     >>
>>     >>      # systemctl restart
>>     >>
>>     >>    Note that the first time each OSD starts, it will do a format
>>     >>    conversion to improve the accounting for "omap" data.  This may
>>     >>    take a few minutes to as much as a few hours (for an HDD with lots
>>     >>    of omap data).  You can disable this automatic conversion with::
>>     >>
>>     >>      # ceph config set osd bluestore_fsck_quick_fix_on_mount false
>>     >>
>>     >>    You can monitor the progress of the OSD upgrades with the
>>     >>    `ceph versions` or `ceph osd versions` commands::
>>     >>
>>     >>      # ceph osd versions
>>     >>      {
>>     >>         "ceph version 13.2.5 (...) mimic (stable)": 12,
>>     >>         "ceph version 15.2.0 (...) octopus (stable)": 22,
>>     >>      }
>>     >>
>>     >> #. Upgrade all CephFS MDS daemons.  For each CephFS file system,
>>     >>
>>     >>    #. Reduce the number of ranks to 1.  (Make note of the original
>>     >>       number of MDS daemons first if you plan to restore it later.)::
>>     >>
>>     >>         # ceph status
>>     >>         # ceph fs set <fs_name> max_mds 1
>>     >>
>>     >>    #. Wait for the cluster to deactivate any non-zero ranks by
>>     >>       periodically checking the status::
>>     >>
>>     >>         # ceph status
>>     >>
>>     >>    #. Take all standby MDS daemons offline on the appropriate
>>     hosts with::
>>     >>
>>     >>         # systemctl stop ceph-mds@<daemon_name>
>>     >>
>>     >>    #. Confirm that only one MDS is online and is rank 0 for your FS::
>>     >>
>>     >>         # ceph status
>>     >>
>>     >>    #. Upgrade the last remaining MDS daemon by installing the new
>>     >>       packages and restarting the daemon::
>>     >>
>>     >>         # systemctl restart
>>     >>
>>     >>    #. Restart all standby MDS daemons that were taken offline::
>>     >>
>>     >>         # systemctl start
>>     >>
>>     >>    #. Restore the original value of `max_mds` for the volume::
>>     >>
>>     >>         # ceph fs set <fs_name> max_mds <original_max_mds>
>>     >>
>>     >> #. Upgrade all radosgw daemons by upgrading packages and restarting
>>     >>    daemons on all hosts::
>>     >>
>>     >>      # systemctl restart
>>     >>
>>     >> #. Complete the upgrade by disallowing pre-Octopus OSDs and enabling
>>     >>    all new Octopus-only functionality::
>>     >>
>>     >>      # ceph osd require-osd-release octopus
>>     >>
>>     >> #. If you set `noout` at the beginning, be sure to clear it with::
>>     >>
>>     >>      # ceph osd unset noout
>>     >>
>>     >> #. Verify the cluster is healthy with `ceph health`.
>>     >>
>>     >>    If your CRUSH tunables are older than Hammer, Ceph will now
>>     issue a
>>     >>    health warning.  If you see a health alert to that effect, you can
>>     >>    revert this change with::
>>     >>
>>     >>      ceph config set mon mon_crush_min_required_version firefly
>>     >>
>>     >>    If Ceph does not complain, however, then we recommend you also
>>     >>    switch any existing CRUSH buckets to straw2, which was added back
>>     >>    in the Hammer release.  If you have any 'straw' buckets, this will
>>     >>    result in a modest amount of data movement, but generally nothing
>>     >>    too severe.::
>>     >>
>>     >>      ceph osd getcrushmap -o backup-crushmap
>>     >>      ceph osd crush set-all-straw-buckets-to-straw2
>>     >>
>>     >>    If there are problems, you can easily revert with::
>>     >>
>>     >>      ceph osd setcrushmap -i backup-crushmap
>>     >>
>>     >>    Moving to 'straw2' buckets will unlock a few recent features, like
>>     >>    the `crush-compat` :ref:`balancer <balancer>` mode added back in
>>     >> Luminous.
>>     >>
>>     >> #. If you are upgrading from Mimic, or did not already do so when you
>>     >>    upgraded to Nautlius, we recommened you enable the new :ref:`v2
>>     >>    network protocol <msgr2>`, issue the following command::
>>     >>
>>     >>      ceph mon enable-msgr2
>>     >>
>>     >>    This will instruct all monitors that bind to the old default port
>>     >>    6789 for the legacy v1 protocol to also bind to the new 3300 v2
>>     >>    protocol port.  To see if all monitors have been updated,::
>>     >>
>>     >>      ceph mon dump
>>     >>
>>     >>    and verify that each monitor has both a `v2:` and `v1:` address
>>     >>    listed.
>>     >>
>>     >> #. Consider enabling the :ref:`telemetry module <telemetry>` to send
>>     >>    anonymized usage statistics and crash information to the Ceph
>>     >>    upstream developers.  To see what would be reported (without
>>     actually
>>     >>    sending any information to anyone),::
>>     >>
>>     >>      ceph mgr module enable telemetry
>>     >>      ceph telemetry show
>>     >>
>>     >>    If you are comfortable with the data that is reported, you can
>>     opt-in to
>>     >>    automatically report the high-level cluster metadata with::
>>     >>
>>     >>      ceph telemetry on
>>     >>
>>     >>    For more information about the telemetry module, see :ref:`the
>>     >>    documentation <telemetry>`.
>>     >>
>>     >>
>>     >> Upgrading from pre-Mimic releases (like Luminous)
>>     >> -------------------------------------------------
>>     >> You *must* first upgrade to Mimic (13.2.z) or Nautilus (14.2.z)
>>     before
>>     >> upgrading to Octopus.
>>     >>
>>     >>
>>     >> Upgrade compatibility notes
>>     >> ---------------------------
>>     >> * Starting with Octopus, there is now a separate repository directory
>>     >>   for each version on `
>>     <>` (e.g., `rpm-15.2.0` and
>>     >>   `debian-15.2.0`).  The traditional package directory that is named
>>     >>   after the release (e.g., `rpm-octopus` and `debian-octopus`) is
>>     >>   now a symlink to the most recently bug fix version for that
>>     release.
>>     >>   We no longer generate a single repository that combines all bug fix
>>     >>   versions for a single named release.
>>     >>
>>     >> * The RGW "num_rados_handles" has been removed.
>>     >>   If you were using a value of "num_rados_handles" greater than 1
>>     >>   multiply your current "objecter_inflight_ops" and
>>     >>   "objecter_inflight_op_bytes" paramaeters by the old
>>     >>   "num_rados_handles" to get the same throttle behavior.
>>     >>
>>     >> * Ceph now packages python bindings for python3.6 instead of
>>     >>   python3.4, because python3 in EL7/EL8 is now using python3.6
>>     >>   as the native python3. see the `announcement`_
>>     >>   for more details on the background of this change.
>>     >>
>>     >> * librbd now uses a write-around cache policy be default,
>>     >>   replacing the previous write-back cache policy default.
>>     >>   This cache policy allows librbd to immediately complete
>>     >>   write IOs while they are still in-flight to the OSDs.
>>     >>   Subsequent flush requests will ensure all in-flight
>>     >>   write IOs are completed prior to completing. The
>>     >>   librbd cache policy can be controlled via a new
>>     >>   "rbd_cache_policy" configuration option.
>>     >>
>>     >> * librbd now includes a simple IO scheduler which attempts to
>>     >>   batch together multiple IOs against the same backing RBD
>>     >>   data block object. The librbd IO scheduler policy can be
>>     >>   controlled via a new "rbd_io_scheduler" configuration
>>     >>   option.
>>     >>
>>     >> * RGW: radosgw-admin introduces two subcommands that allow the
>>     >>   managing of expire-stale objects that might be left behind after a
>>     >>   bucket reshard in earlier versions of RGW. One subcommand lists
>>     such
>>     >>   objects and the other deletes them. Read the troubleshooting
>>     section
>>     >>   of the dynamic resharding docs for details.
>>     >>
>>     >> * RGW: Bucket naming restrictions have changed and likely to cause
>>     >>   InvalidBucketName errors. We recommend to set
>>     >> `rgw_relaxed_s3_bucket_names`
>>     >>   option to true as a workaround.
>>     >>
>>     >> * In the Zabbix Mgr Module there was a typo in the key being send
>>     >>   to Zabbix for PGs in backfill_wait state. The key that was sent
>>     >>   was 'wait_backfill' and the correct name is 'backfill_wait'.
>>     >>   Update your Zabbix template accordingly so that it accepts the
>>     >>   new key being send to Zabbix.
>>     >>
>>     >> * zabbix plugin for ceph manager now includes osd and pool
>>     >>   discovery. Update of zabbix_template.xml is needed
>>     >>   to receive per-pool (read/write throughput, diskspace usage)
>>     >>   and per-osd (latency, status, pgs) statistics
>>     >>
>>     >> * The format of all date + time stamps has been modified to fully
>>     >>   conform to ISO 8601.  The old format (`YYYY-MM-DD
>>     >>   HH:MM:SS.ssssss`) excluded the `T` separator between the date and
>>     >>   time and was rendered using the local time zone without any
>>     explicit
>>     >>   indication.  The new format includes the separator as well as a
>>     >>   `+nnnn` or `-nnnn` suffix to indicate the time zone, or a `Z`
>>     >>   suffix if the time is UTC.  For example,
>>     >>   `2019-04-26T18:40:06.225953+0100`.
>>     >>
>>     >>   Any code or scripts that was previously parsing date and/or time
>>     >>   values from the JSON or XML structure CLI output should be checked
>>     >>   to ensure it can handle ISO 8601 conformant values.  Any code
>>     >>   parsing date or time values from the unstructured human-readable
>>     >>   output should be modified to parse the structured output
>>     instead, as
>>     >>   the human-readable output may change without notice.
>>     >>
>>     >> * The `bluestore_no_per_pool_stats_tolerance` config option has been
>>     >>   replaced with `bluestore_fsck_error_on_no_per_pool_stats`
>>     >>   (default: false).  The overall default behavior has not changed:
>>     >>   fsck will warn but not fail on legacy stores, and repair will
>>     >>   convert to per-pool stats.
>>     >>
>>     >> * The disaster-recovery related 'ceph mon sync force' command has
>>     been
>>     >>   replaced with 'ceph daemon <...> sync_force'.
>>     >>
>>     >> * The `osd_recovery_max_active` option now has
>>     >>   `osd_recovery_max_active_hdd` and `osd_recovery_max_active_ssd`
>>     >>   variants, each with different default values for HDD and SSD-backed
>>     >>   OSDs, respectively.  By default `osd_recovery_max_active` now
>>     >>   defaults to zero, which means that the OSD will conditionally use
>>     >>   the HDD or SSD option values.  Administrators who have customized
>>     >>   this value may want to consider whether they have set this to a
>>     >>   value similar to the new defaults (3 for HDDs and 10 for SSDs) and,
>>     >>   if so, remove the option from their configuration entirely.
>>     >>
>>     >> * monitors now have a `ceph osd info` command that will provide
>>     information
>>     >>   on all osds, or provided osds, thus simplifying the process of
>>     having to
>>     >>   parse `osd dump` for the same information.
>>     >>
>>     >> * The structured output of `ceph status` or `ceph -s` is now more
>>     >>   concise, particularly the `mgrmap` and `monmap` sections, and the
>>     >>   structure of the `osdmap` section has been cleaned up.
>>     >>
>>     >> * A health warning is now generated if the average osd heartbeat ping
>>     >>   time exceeds a configurable threshold for any of the intervals
>>     >>   computed.  The OSD computes 1 minute, 5 minute and 15 minute
>>     >>   intervals with average, minimum and maximum values.  New
>>     >>   configuration option `mon_warn_on_slow_ping_ratio` specifies a
>>     >>   percentage of `osd_heartbeat_grace` to determine the threshold.  A
>>     >>   value of zero disables the warning.  New configuration option
>>     >>   `mon_warn_on_slow_ping_time` specified in milliseconds over-rides
>>     >>   the computed value, causes a warning when OSD heartbeat pings take
>>     >>   longer than the specified amount.  New admin command `ceph daemon
>>     >>   mgr.# dump_osd_network [threshold]` command will list all
>>     >>   connections with a ping time longer than the specified threshold or
>>     >>   value determined by the config options, for the average for any of
>>     >>   the 3 intervals.  New admin command `ceph daemon osd.#
>>     >>   dump_osd_network [threshold]` will do the same but only including
>>     >>   heartbeats initiated by the specified OSD.
>>     >>
>>     >> * Inline data support for CephFS has been deprecated. When
>>     setting the
>>     >> flag,
>>     >>   users will see a warning to that effect, and enabling it now
>>     requires the
>>     >>   `--yes-i-really-really-mean-it` flag. If the MDS is started on a
>>     >>   filesystem that has it enabled, a health warning is generated.
>>     Support
>>     >> for
>>     >>   this feature will be removed in a future release.
>>     >>
>>     >> * `ceph {set,unset} full` is not supported anymore. We have been
>>     using
>>     >>   `full` and `nearfull` flags in OSD map for tracking the
>>     fullness status
>>     >>   of a cluster back since the Hammer release, if the OSD map is
>>     marked
>>     >> `full`
>>     >>   all write operations will be blocked until this flag is
>>     removed. In the
>>     >>   Infernalis release and Linux kernel 4.7 client, we introduced the
>>     >> per-pool
>>     >>   full/nearfull flags to track the status for a finer-grained
>>     control, so
>>     >> the
>>     >>   clients will hold the write operations if either the
>>     cluster-wide `full`
>>     >>   flag or the per-pool `full` flag is set. This was a compromise,
>>     as we
>>     >>   needed to support the cluster with and without per-pool `full`
>>     flags
>>     >>   support. But this practically defeated the purpose of
>>     introducing the
>>     >>   per-pool flags. So, in the Mimic release, the new flags finally
>>     took the
>>     >>   place of their cluster-wide counterparts, as the monitor
>>     started removing
>>     >>   these two flags from OSD map. So the clients of Infernalis and
>>     up can
>>     >> benefit
>>     >>   from this change, as they won't be blocked by the full pools
>>     which they
>>     >> are
>>     >>   not writing to. In this release, `ceph {set,unset} full` is now
>>     >> considered
>>     >>   as an invalid command. And the clients will continue honoring
>>     both the
>>     >>   cluster-wide and per-pool flags to be backward comaptible with
>>     >> pre-infernalis
>>     >>   clusters.
>>     >>
>>     >> * The telemetry module now reports more information.
>>     >>
>>     >>   First, there is a new 'device' channel, enabled by default, that
>>     >>   will report anonymized hard disk and SSD health metrics to
>>     >> <> in order to
>>     build and improve device failure
>>     >>   prediction algorithms.  If you are not comfortable sharing device
>>     >>   metrics, you can disable that channel first before re-opting-in::
>>     >>
>>     >>     ceph config set mgr mgr/telemetry/channel_device false
>>     >>
>>     >>   Second, we now report more information about CephFS file systems,
>>     >>   including:
>>     >>
>>     >>   - how many MDS daemons (in total and per file system)
>>     >>   - which features are (or have been) enabled
>>     >>   - how many data pools
>>     >>   - approximate file system age (year + month of creation)
>>     >>   - how many files, bytes, and snapshots
>>     >>   - how much metadata is being cached
>>     >>
>>     >>   We have also added:
>>     >>
>>     >>   - which Ceph release the monitors are running
>>     >>   - whether msgr v1 or v2 addresses are used for the monitors
>>     >>   - whether IPv4 or IPv6 addresses are used for the monitors
>>     >>   - whether RADOS cache tiering is enabled (and which mode)
>>     >>   - whether pools are replicated or erasure coded, and
>>     >>     which erasure code profile plugin and parameters are in use
>>     >>   - how many hosts are in the cluster, and how many hosts have
>>     each type
>>     >> of daemon
>>     >>   - whether a separate OSD cluster network is being used
>>     >>   - how many RBD pools and images are in the cluster, and how
>>     many pools
>>     >> have RBD mirroring enabled
>>     >>   - how many RGW daemons, zones, and zonegroups are present;
>>     which RGW
>>     >> frontends are in use
>>     >>   - aggregate stats about the CRUSH map, like which algorithms
>>     are used,
>>     >> how
>>     >>     big buckets are, how many rules are defined, and what
>>     tunables are in
>>     >>     use
>>     >>
>>     >>   If you had telemetry enabled, you will need to re-opt-in with::
>>     >>
>>     >>     ceph telemetry on
>>     >>
>>     >>   You can view exactly what information will be reported first with::
>>     >>
>>     >>     $ ceph telemetry show        # see everything
>>     >>     $ ceph telemetry show basic  # basic cluster info (including
>>     all of
>>     >> the new info)
>>     >>
>>     >> * Following invalid settings now are not tolerated anymore
>>     >>   for the command `ceph osd erasure-code-profile set xxx`.
>>     >>   * invalid `m` for "reed_sol_r6_op" erasure technique
>>     >>   * invalid `m` and invalid `w` for "liber8tion" erasure technique
>>     >>
>>     >> * New OSD daemon command dump_recovery_reservations which reveals the
>>     >>   recovery locks held (in_progress) and waiting in priority queues.
>>     >>
>>     >> * New OSD daemon command dump_scrub_reservations which reveals the
>>     >>   scrub reservations that are held for local (primary) and remote
>>     >> (replica) PGs.
>>     >>
>>     >> * Previously, `ceph tell mgr ...` could be used to call commands
>>     >>   implemented by mgr modules.  This is no longer supported.  Since
>>     >>   luminous, using `tell` has not been necessary: those same commands
>>     >>   are also accessible without the `tell mgr` portion (e.g., `ceph
>>     >>   tell mgr influx foo` is the same as `ceph influx foo`.  `ceph
>>     >>   tell mgr ...` will now call admin commands--the same set of
>>     >>   commands accessible via `ceph daemon ...` when you are logged into
>>     >>   the appropriate host.
>>     >>
>>     >> * The `ceph tell` and `ceph daemon` commands have been unified,
>>     >>   such that all such commands are accessible via either interface.
>>     >>   Note that ceph-mgr tell commands are accessible via either `ceph
>>     >>   tell mgr ...` or `ceph tell mgr.<id> ...`, and it is only
>>     >>   possible to send tell commands to the active daemon (the
>>     standbys do
>>     >>   not accept incoming connections over the network).
>>     >>
>>     >> * Ceph will now issue a health warning if a RADOS pool as a `pg_num`
>>     >>   value that is not a power of two.  This can be fixed by adjusting
>>     >>   the pool to a nearby power of two::
>>     >>
>>     >>     ceph osd pool set <pool-name> pg_num <new-pg-num>
>>     >>
>>     >>   Alternatively, the warning can be silenced with::
>>     >>
>>     >>     ceph config set global
>>     mon_warn_on_pool_pg_num_not_power_of_two false
>>     >>
>>     >> * The format of MDSs in `ceph fs dump` has changed.
>>     >>
>>     >> * The `mds_cache_size` config option is completely removed. Since
>>     luminous,
>>     >>   the `mds_cache_memory_limit` config option has been preferred to
>>     >> configure
>>     >>   the MDS's cache limits.
>>     >>
>>     >> * The `pg_autoscale_mode` is now set to `on` by default for newly
>>     >>   created pools, which means that Ceph will automatically manage the
>>     >>   number of PGs.  To change this behavior, or to learn more about PG
>>     >>   autoscaling, see :ref:`pg-autoscaler`.  Note that existing pools in
>>     >>   upgraded clusters will still be set to `warn` by default.
>>     >>
>>     >> * The `upmap_max_iterations` config option of mgr/balancer has been
>>     >>   renamed to `upmap_max_optimizations` to better match its behaviour.
>>     >>
>>     >> * `mClockClientQueue` and `mClockClassQueue` OpQueue
>>     >>   implementations have been removed in favor of of a single
>>     >>   `mClockScheduler` implementation of a simpler OSD interface.
>>     >>   Accordingly, the `osd_op_queue_mclock*` family of config options
>>     >>   has been removed in favor of the `osd_mclock_scheduler*` family
>>     >>   of options.
>>     >>
>>     >> * The config subsystem now searches dot ('.') delimited prefixes for
>>     >>   options.  That means for an entity like ``, its
>>     >>   overall configuration will be a combination of the global options,
>>     >>   `client`, ``, and ``.  Previously,
>>     >>   only global, `client`, and `` options would apply.
>>     >>   This change may affect the configuration for clients that include a
>>     >>   `.` in their name.
>>     >>
>>     >> Getting Ceph
>>     >> ------------
>>     >> * Git at git://
>>     <>
>>     >> * Tarball at
>>     >> * For packages, see
>>     >> * Release git sha1: dc6a0b5c3cbf6a5e1d6d4f20b5ad466d76b96247
>>     >>
>>     >> --
>>     >> Abhishek Lekshmanan
>>     >> SUSE Software Solutions Germany GmbH
>>     >> GF: Felix Imendörffer
>>     >> _______________________________________________
>>     >> ceph-users mailing list -- ceph-users@xxxxxxx
>>     <mailto:ceph-users@xxxxxxx>
>>     >> To unsubscribe send an email to ceph-users-leave@xxxxxxx
>>     <mailto:ceph-users-leave@xxxxxxx>
>>     >>
>>     -- 
>>     Abhishek Lekshmanan
>>     SUSE Software Solutions Germany GmbH
>>     GF: Felix Imendörffer, Mary Higgins, Sri Rasiah, HRB 21284 (AG Nürnberg)
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