Re: crimson-osd vs legacy-osd: should the perf difference be already noticeable?

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On 2020-01-13 19:38, Radoslaw Zarzynski wrote:
Hi Roman,

On Mon, Jan 13, 2020 at 5:36 PM Roman Penyaev <rpenyaev@xxxxxxx> wrote:
I do not understand.  I talk about simple comparison metric for any
storage application - IOPS.  Since both storage applications
crimson-osd) share absolutely the same Ceph spec - that is a fair
That way you're actually thinking about IOPS from an OSD instance
*disregarding how much HW resources it spends* to serve your
workload. This comparison ignores absolutely fundamental difference
in architecture:

  * crimson-osd is single-threaded at the moment. It won't eat more
    than 1 CPU core. That's by design.
  * ceph-osd is multi-threaded. By default single instance has up to 16
`tp_osd_tp` and 3 `msgr-worker-n` threads. This translates into upper,
    theoretical bound of 19 CPU cores. In practice it's of course much
    lower but still far above than for crimson-osd.
Then probably it makes more sense to execute the same load but with 
Otherwise it is not quite fair: legacy-osd is able to execute requests 
parallel, but crimson-osd is not.

$ bin/rados bench -p test-pool 10 rand -t 1

 legacy-osd: 34MB/s
crimson-osd: 53MB/s

At least this is fair and there is a noticeable difference.

Also I'm still curios how fast can be immediate completion of requests,
without leaving the transport layer and avoiding PG logic completely.
With 'osd_immediate_completions=true' option set (there is a patch in
the first email of this thread) the bandwidth is the same for both:

$ bin/rados bench -p test-pool 10 write -b 4096 --no-cleanup -t 1

 legacy-osd: 63MB/s
crimson-osd: 63MB/s

Which, I would say, not quite impressive.

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