A second question that came up was how to layout questions for multiple
cluster deployments. An idea I had was having our general Ceph user
survey [2] separate from the deployment questions [3]. The general
questions only need to be answered once, and the deployment survey can
be answered multiple times to capture the different configurations. I'm
looking into a way to link the answers of both surveys together.
Thanks for putting these out for review. I have perhaps written too much
in response... :)
I think, in general, many of the questions need an "Other" option - e.g.
the "Why use Ceph" question
In the general questionnaire, you ask about telemetry on "your" cluster,
but people might e.g. have several clusters not all of which have
telemetry available; similarly, I'd make the "why not" question allow >1
answer - it might be "Well, I run Luminous now, but I don't expect to
run telemetry when we move to Nautilus because..."
The clusters questionnaire is tricky - it's a lot to fill out if you
want folk to do it for every one of their clusters; might you perhaps
instead request people fill it out for 1 cluster (production / largest /
...)? It's not clear how I would represent multiple different clusters
in the answers to this questionnaire, to be honest, unless they were all
essentially the same hardware/software/layout/etc. And I hope that the
UI allows e.g. someone who didn't tick that they ran CephFS not to be
shown the CephFS questions later.
I agree with the suggestion of just letting people type in a number for
all the "number of.." questions; if you do that, do you need the "how
many OSDs per node" question?
"How many OSDs in you cluster?" is a typo (you meant "your") I think.
The "number of hours" questions need clarification - do you mean per
week? [and "Number of hours troubleshooting the ceph client
configuration and software" is duplicated]. I'm guessing these things
aren't evenly spread over time, either (e.g. I spend much more time on
config/software around a major release bump)
I suspect that the "how long to apply updates" question might need a
"depends on my vendor" answer? It'd take something like a serious CVE
for us to upgrade ourselves rather than waiting for Canonical to produce
revised packages, for example, and that can take a while.
The answers to the minor updates "why?" don't quite make sense, maybe
they've been truncated (e.g. "Concerns about")
"What Ceph Manager modules did you enable?" needs a "none" option? [ISTR
survey UIs require you to tick a box on a compulsory question]
The EC questions often look to be single-answer, but presumably people
might run more than one EC setup in the same cluster (for different pools)?
It might be worth being clearer about what storage devices you're asking
about? (e.g. for OSD storage, for journal/block.db, for host OS, for MON
The RBD section should all be multi-answer (except "are you using
snapshorts"), I think
You're inconsistent as to whether the "snapshots" question wants a
reason for either answer (RBD) or for only the No answer (RGW(?),CephFS).
Client-side S3, I wonder if s3cmd and minio (Go) might also be worth
asking about?
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