Gerrit Renker pisze:
[limited the lists to dccp@vger since this is DCCP-specific and not a patch]
Ok, so now we know how to store information about parameters in kernel
structures. What remains to be discussed is how to pass that information
to userspace.
To me the less spectacular way of "just document it" still seems the best
Documentation doesn't suffice because parameters may change from version
to version.
The other suggestion (below) is to divide this requirement
and, if really needed, use an API library which provides such mechanisms.
It may be that I miss something but currently I don't see how such a
function could be implemented in a clean way. Could you please write a
sketch of such an implementation? The function's signature could be:
bool paramsSupported(int sockfd, int params);
and we could call it like this:
int sockfd=socket(...);
setsockopt(sockfd, DCCP_POLICY_ID, DCCPQ_PRIO);
paramsSupported(sockfd, DCCP_SCM_PRIORITY); //should return true
paramsSupported(sockfd, DCCP_SCM_PRIORITY | DCCP_SCM_TIMEOUT); //should
return false
Tomasz Grobelny
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