Re: dccp_pr_debug or probe.c

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| Could anyone please tell me how to grab "dccp_pr_debug" outputs ?? I'm using 
| kernel 2.6.20.
You need to enable debugging output (both in the kernel, options _
as module parameters:

| I needed to print the loss-interval array (li_entry->dccplih_interval) for 
| which I modified the probe.c. But, it wont print anything 
| inside "list_for_each_entry_safe(li_entry, li_next, list, dccplih_node)".
| I'm attaching my modified probe.c. My modifications are marked with "babil". 
| If it cant work, if anyone could please tell me how to grab "dccp_pr_debug" 
| outputs, that would have been a great help.
The code you are using is older hand has some problems. You can get a a
more up-to-date version from

Using the test tree is encouraged for all testing:

Secondly, the code tries to print RX socket variables in a kprobe which
is tied to events triggered by the TX socket (sendmsg). You can simply
use printk for output.

| I've also tried putting printk's in loss_interval.c, but failed catch any 
| output.
There will only be output if actual loss occurs. You need to have loss
events, see

| Kind Regards,
| -Golam Sarwar (babil)

| /*
|  * dccp_probe - Observe the DCCP flow with kprobes.
|  *
|  * The idea for this came from Werner Almesberger's umlsim
|  * Copyright (C) 2004, Stephen Hemminger <shemminger@xxxxxxxx>
|  *
|  * Modified for DCCP from Stephen Hemminger's code
|  * Copyright (C) 2006, Ian McDonald <ian.mcdonald@xxxxxxxxxxx>
|  *
|  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
|  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
|  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
|  * (at your option) any later version.
|  *
|  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
|  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
|  * GNU General Public License for more details.
|  *
|  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
|  * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
|  * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
|  */
| #include <linux/kernel.h>
| #include <linux/kprobes.h>
| #include <linux/socket.h>
| #include <linux/dccp.h>
| #include <linux/proc_fs.h>
| #include <linux/module.h>
| #include <linux/kfifo.h>
| #include <linux/vmalloc.h>
| #include "dccp.h"
| #include "ccid.h"
| #include "ccids/ccid3.h"
| //babil
| static const char *ccid3_tx_state_name(enum ccid3_hc_tx_states state)
| {
| 	static char *ccid3_state_names[] = {
| 	[TFRC_SSTATE_NO_SENT]  = "1",
| 	[TFRC_SSTATE_FBACK]    = "3",
| 	[TFRC_SSTATE_TERM]     = "4",
| 	};
| 	return ccid3_state_names[state];
| }
| //---
| //babil - copied from loss_interval.h
| struct dccp_li_hist_entry {
| 	struct list_head dccplih_node;
| 	u64		 dccplih_seqno:48,
| 			 dccplih_win_count:4;
| 	u32		 dccplih_interval;
| 	u32		 dccplih_loss_size;
| };
| //---
| static int port;
| static int bufsize = 64 * 1024;
| static const char procname[] = "dccpprobe";
| struct {
| 	struct kfifo	  *fifo;
| 	spinlock_t	  lock;
| 	wait_queue_head_t wait;
| 	struct timeval	  tstart;
| } dccpw;
| static void printl(const char *fmt, ...)
| {
| 	va_list args;
| 	int len;
| 	struct timeval now;
| 	char tbuf[256];
| 	va_start(args, fmt);
| 	do_gettimeofday(&now);
| 	now.tv_sec -= dccpw.tstart.tv_sec;
| 	now.tv_usec -= dccpw.tstart.tv_usec;
| 	if (now.tv_usec < 0) {
| 		--now.tv_sec;
| 		now.tv_usec += 1000000;
| 	}
| 	len = sprintf(tbuf, "%lu.%06lu ",
| 		      (unsigned long) now.tv_sec,
| 		      (unsigned long) now.tv_usec);
| 	len += vscnprintf(tbuf+len, sizeof(tbuf)-len, fmt, args);
| 	va_end(args);
| 	kfifo_put(dccpw.fifo, tbuf, len);
| 	wake_up(&dccpw.wait);
| }
| static int jdccp_sendmsg(struct kiocb *iocb, struct sock *sk,struct msghdr *msg, size_t size)
| {
| 	const struct dccp_minisock *dmsk = dccp_msk(sk);
| 	const struct inet_sock *inet = inet_sk(sk);
| 	const struct ccid3_hc_tx_sock *hctx;
| 	//babil
| 	const struct ccid3_hc_rx_sock *hcrx;
| 	struct dccp_li_hist_entry *li_entry, *li_next;
| 	struct list_head *list;
| 	int i=1;
| 	//---
| //babil		
| 	if (dmsk->dccpms_rx_ccid == DCCPC_CCID3)
| 	{
| 		hcrx = ccid3_hc_rx_sk(sk);
| 		list = &hcrx->ccid3hcrx_li_hist;
| 	}
| 	else
| 		hcrx = NULL;
| 		if (hcrx)
| 		{
| 			list_for_each_entry_safe(li_entry, li_next, list, dccplih_node) 
| 			{
| 				printl("\nbabil ");		
| 				if (li_entry->dccplih_interval != ~0U) 
| 				{
| 					printl("s[%d]: %d* ",i,li_entry->dccplih_interval);
| 					i++;
| 				}
| 				else
| 				{
| 					printl("empty loss interval");
| 				}
| 				printl("\n");
| 			}
| 		}
| //---
| 	if (dmsk->dccpms_tx_ccid == DCCPC_CCID3)
| 		hctx = ccid3_hc_tx_sk(sk);
| 	else
| 		hctx = NULL;
| 	if (port == 0 || ntohs(inet->dport) == port || ntohs(inet->sport) == port) 
| 	{
| 		if (hctx)
| 		{
| 			printl("%d.%d.%d.%d:%u %d.%d.%d.%d:%u %d %d %d %d %u "
| 			       "%llu %llu %d %s\n",
| 			       NIPQUAD(inet->saddr), ntohs(inet->sport),
| 			       NIPQUAD(inet->daddr), ntohs(inet->dport), size,
| 			       hctx->ccid3hctx_s, hctx->ccid3hctx_rtt,
| 			       hctx->ccid3hctx_p, hctx->ccid3hctx_x_calc,
| 			       hctx->ccid3hctx_x_recv >> 6,
| 			       hctx->ccid3hctx_x >> 6, hctx->ccid3hctx_t_ipi, ccid3_tx_state_name(hctx->ccid3hctx_state) );
| 		}	
| 		else 
| 		{
| 			printl("%d.%d.%d.%d:%u %d.%d.%d.%d:%u %d\n",
| 			       NIPQUAD(inet->saddr), ntohs(inet->sport),
| 			       NIPQUAD(inet->daddr), ntohs(inet->dport), size);
| 		}
| 	}
| 	jprobe_return();
| 	return 0;
| }
| static struct jprobe dccp_send_probe = {
| 	.kp	= {
| 		.symbol_name = "dccp_sendmsg",
| 	},
| 	.entry	= JPROBE_ENTRY(jdccp_sendmsg),
| };
| static int dccpprobe_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
| {
| 	kfifo_reset(dccpw.fifo);
| 	do_gettimeofday(&dccpw.tstart);
| 	return 0;
| }
| static ssize_t dccpprobe_read(struct file *file, char __user *buf,
| 			      size_t len, loff_t *ppos)
| {
| 	int error = 0, cnt = 0;
| 	unsigned char *tbuf;
| 	if (!buf || len < 0)
| 		return -EINVAL;
| 	if (len == 0)
| 		return 0;
| 	tbuf = vmalloc(len);
| 	if (!tbuf)
| 		return -ENOMEM;
| 	error = wait_event_interruptible(dccpw.wait,
| 					 __kfifo_len(dccpw.fifo) != 0);
| 	if (error)
| 		goto out_free;
| 	cnt = kfifo_get(dccpw.fifo, tbuf, len);
| 	error = copy_to_user(buf, tbuf, cnt);
| out_free:
| 	vfree(tbuf);
| 	return error ? error : cnt;
| }
| static struct file_operations dccpprobe_fops = {
| 	.owner	 = THIS_MODULE,
| 	.open	 = dccpprobe_open,
| 	.read    = dccpprobe_read,
| };
| static __init int dccpprobe_init(void)
| {
| 	int ret = -ENOMEM;
| 	init_waitqueue_head(&dccpw.wait);
| 	spin_lock_init(&dccpw.lock);
| 	dccpw.fifo = kfifo_alloc(bufsize, GFP_KERNEL, &dccpw.lock);
| 	if (IS_ERR(dccpw.fifo))
| 		return PTR_ERR(dccpw.fifo);
| 	if (!proc_net_fops_create(procname, S_IRUSR, &dccpprobe_fops))
| 		goto err0;
| 	ret = register_jprobe(&dccp_send_probe);
| 	if (ret)
| 		goto err1;
| 	pr_info("DCCP watch registered (port=%d)\n", port);
| 	return 0;
| err1:
| 	proc_net_remove(procname);
| err0:
| 	kfifo_free(dccpw.fifo);
| 	return ret;
| }
| module_init(dccpprobe_init);
| static __exit void dccpprobe_exit(void)
| {
| 	kfifo_free(dccpw.fifo);
| 	proc_net_remove(procname);
| 	unregister_jprobe(&dccp_send_probe);
| }
| module_exit(dccpprobe_exit);
| MODULE_PARM_DESC(port, "Port to match (0=all)");
| module_param(port, int, 0);
| MODULE_PARM_DESC(bufsize, "Log buffer size (default 64k)");
| module_param(bufsize, int, 0);
| MODULE_AUTHOR("Ian McDonald <ian.mcdonald@xxxxxxxxxxx>");

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