First I would like to send a NEWBIE REQUEST.
How can I get a complete copy of the DCCP source checked out, including
your/Ian's patches? Where is there something on line that explains the git
process? Thanks for your/anyone's help.
| RFC 3448 says that I_0 "represents the number of packets received since the
| last loss event". (Section 5.5) In the Linux implementation, this number is
| NOT stored in the li_entry list. It must be calculated. This is what Ian's
| nonloss manipulations do.
| There are a number of errors in your discussion. You claim that I_0 is the
| "most recent loss interval", and that it is stored in the li_entry structures.
| But what RFC 3448 means by I_0 is not stored in the Linux DCCP
| implementation's li_entry structures. Your comments under "This is the
| crucial point" do not seem to realize this.
There is truth in this, but I need to put it in relation to how the list is handled.
What I stated below in "This is the crucial point" is that the highest received seqno
and CCVal are always stored at the head of the list.
( I just found out that there is another
PROBLEM#1: For the first loss interval (as per [RFC 3448, 6.3.1]), the timestamp
and sequence number are not stored, only the interval is. )
For all other loss events, timestamp and sequence number are stored. This also holds
for I_0; it could be that the interval is 0 here due to (seq_temp becomes `interval')
seq_temp = dccp_delta_seqno(head->dccplih_seqno, seq_nonloss);
but I am not entirely sure about that. And it is probably safer to encode this
case more explicitly.
In any way, this clarification leads to
PROBLEM#2: Since I_0 always sits at the head of the list, there are at most n=7
completed loss interval entries (not 8 as the RFC recommends).
I find this difficult to follow, but is there still confusion? According to
my reading of the patches, and Ian confirmed this, what RFC3448 means by I_0
**is not stored on the list at all**. The list stores I_1...I_8. Remember
that I_0 is the incomplete loss interval.
| Your comments about Ian's patch are also wrong, for the same reason. I
| believe Ian's patch calculates I_tot0 and I_tot1 correctly, although with
| swapped names. Certainly if there is a problem it is not the one you have
| identified.
If the above assumption that the interval of I_0 is 0 holds then in Ian's patch
(where I_0' is the interval called `non_loss' in Ian's patch) we have that
- I_tot0 is the sum I_1 * w_1 + ... I_7 * w_7
- I_tot1 is the sum I_0' * w_0 + I_1 * w_2 + I_2 * w3 + ... + I_6 * w_7
This can't be right.
Your analysis is wrong, I think. Ian's patch sent 12/27 calculates
I_tot0 = I_1 * w_0 + ... + I_8 * w_7
I_tot1 = I_0 * w_0 + I_1 * w_1 + ... + I_7 * w_7.
Because "i" starts at 0. The relevant part of the patch.
i_tot0 += li_entry->dccplih_interval * dccp_li_hist_w[i];
w_tot += dccp_li_hist_w[i];
+ if (i != 7)
+ i_tot1 += li_entry->dccplih_interval
+ * dccp_li_hist_w[i + 1];
+ if (i == 0) {
+ non_loss = dccp_hdr_seq(skb);
+ sub48(&non_loss, li_entry->dccplih_seqno);
+ }
When "i == 0", the loop is examining I_1. Then i_tot0 += I_1*w[0], and i_tot1
+= I_1*w[1], exactly as one would like. The case "i==7" (that is, I_8)
affects i_tot0 but not i_tot1, exactly as one would like.
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