[PATCH] expand: Add bypass for literal "]" in expandmeta

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Jan Pechanec <Jan.Pechanec@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> thank you for working on dash.  I was testing it recently and it worked
> really well.
> However, I noticed the dash code from github does filename pattern
> matching even for code like "[ x = x ] && echo ok".  I believe the
> unquoted space after '[' should not trigger pattern matching but rather
> only to invoke the test/[ utility, as before.  It seems it works fine
> though and only doing some extra unneeded work which may not be
> immediatelly noticeable.
> dash installed on my Oracle Linux 9:
> janp:len49:~/_INST/dash$ strings /usr/bin/dash | grep dash
> dash-
> janp:len49:~/_INST/dash$ time dash -c 'i=0; while :; do : $((i=i+1)); [ $i -eq 500000 ] && break; done'
> real    0m0.752s
> user    0m0.748s
> sys     0m0.002s
> dash from github (commit b3e38adf6718801e7f06267b438c45caec9523bb) take
> way more time to do the same thing:
> janp:len49:~/_INST/dash$ time ./src/dash -c 'i=0; while :; do : $((i=i+1)); [ $i -eq 500000 ] && break; done'
> real    0m4.202s
> user    0m1.361s
> sys     0m2.804s
> For the latter, strace shows open, fstat, getdents*, and close system
> calls for each iteration and it depends on number of files in the
> current directory.  With more files, it takes more time:
> janp:len49:/etc$ time ~/_INST/dash/src/dash -c 'i=0; while :; do : $((i=i+1)); [ $i -eq 500000 ] && break; done'
> real    0m15.591s
> user    0m5.704s
> sys     0m9.828s
> If I change [ to test, the dash github version behaves as before, and
> possibly even faster:
> janp:len49:~/_INST/dash$ time ~/_INST/dash/src/dash -c 'i=0; while :; do : $((i=i+1)); test $i -eq 500000 && break; done'
> real    0m0.662s
> user    0m0.659s
> sys     0m0.002s
> Even bash would be faster than the current github version of dash:
> janp:len49:~/_INST/dash$ time bash -c 'i=0; while :; do : $((i=i+1)); [ $i -eq 500000 ] && break; done'
> real    0m1.943s
> user    0m1.939s
> sys     0m0.002s

Fix performance regression for idiomatic "[ ... ]" expression by
adding a bypass for a literal "]" in pathname expansion.

Reported-by: Jan Pechanec <Jan.Pechanec@xxxxxxxxxx>
Fixes: 8d0eca2d9fb5 ("expand: Rewrite expmeta meta detection")
Signed-off-by: Herbert Xu <herbert@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

diff --git a/src/expand.c b/src/expand.c
index 7a30648..5114646 100644
--- a/src/expand.c
+++ b/src/expand.c
@@ -1555,7 +1555,7 @@ expandmeta(struct strlist *str)
 		if (fflag)
 			goto nometa;
-		if (!strpbrk(str->text, "*?]"))
+		if (!strpbrk(str->text, "*?]") || !memcmp(str->text, "]", 2))
 			goto nometa;
 		savelastp = exparg.lastp;
Email: Herbert Xu <herbert@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Home Page: http://gondor.apana.org.au/~herbert/
PGP Key: http://gondor.apana.org.au/~herbert/pubkey.txt

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