Hello. I am terribly sorry to be here once again; i already mentioned on bug-bash@ the problem with IFS being reverse solidus that dash (and myself) has (have). I came back to this for my one again, and i stumble over one additional difference in behaviour in between (myself and) bash, dash and busybox sh. We are still here, and this snippet gives identical results for all, my MUA included, a() { echo $#,1=$1,2=$2,3=$3,4=$4,5=$5,6=$6,"$*",$*, } set -- '' '' '' IFS=' '; echo "$*"$* $*; a "$*"$* $*;unset IFS ie, via "cat -vet": $ 1,1= ,2=,3=,4=,5=,6=, , ,$ *However*, if we change IFS to : in the above: a() { echo $#,1=$1,2=$2,3=$3,4=$4,5=$5,6=$6,"$*",$*, } set -- '' '' '' IFS=':'; echo "$*"$* $*; a "$*"$* $*;unset IFS then we get different behaviour for bash on the one side, dash and busybox sh on the next, and myself on the third. bash 5.2.32 says :: $ 4,1= ,2=,3=,4=,5=,6=,:::::, ,$ whereas the ashs say ::$ 1,1= ,2=,3=,4=,5=,6=,::, ,$ and i say the same as for SPC except that : is in place of SPC: ::$ 1,1= ,2=,3=,4=,5=,6=,::, ,$ I really would like to finally get a nice mind map on what is going on everywhere. Thank you very much in advance, Ciao (and good night), --steffen | |Der Kragenbaer, The moon bear, |der holt sich munter he cheerfully and one by one |einen nach dem anderen runter wa.ks himself off |(By Robert Gernhardt)