The dash(1) manpage reads:
command [-p] [-v] [-V] command [arg ...]
Execute the specified command but ignore shell functions when searching for it. (This is useful when you have a shell function with the same name as a builtin command.)
Because of this, I expected commands like command . or PATH= command
true to fail. They don’t.
You can observe this behavior by running:
for cmd in : true . alias bg command cd echo eval exec exit export fc fg getopts hash pwd read readonly printf set shift test [ times trap type ulimit umask unalias unset wait
dash -c "PATH= command $cmd"
printf '%s: %s\n' $cmd $?
Is this an error in the implementation, the documentation, the build, or
my interpretation?
The DASH binary I use was obtained using Nix from, which
builds from source tarballs, specifically
Anselm Schüler
PS: Why does this mailing list not permit emails that aren’t purely