Op 29-11-18 om 21:39 schreef Harald van Dijk:
By the way, my change has an unintended but possibly acceptable side
trap '(trap "echo exit" EXIT; :)' EXIT
This prints nothing with current dash, but prints "exit" with my change.
It also prints "exit" in ksh, mksh, posh, and bosh.
IMHO, that's not a side effect, but evidence that the bug was properly
fixed. A subshell is defined as a duplicate of the original shell
process except with its traps reset[*], so setting a trap should work as
normal within it.
It doesn't work in bash, yash or zsh, which I believe is a bug that I
should report to them.
- M.
[*] "A subshell environment shall be created as a duplicate of the shell
environment, except that signal traps that are not being ignored shall
be set to the default action."
(I'm going to assume that "signal traps" here is meant to include the
EXIT trap, because not clearing it for subshells would be insane.)