Hi, still playing with replication and found another thing I'm not sure how to solve: is it possible to set a default REALM in imap.conf? I'm running a simple master/replication setup. The master authentication with local /etc/sasldb2 containing userIDs like tetstuser@hostname-master. I want to keep the authentication simple without a central database. If master goes down I have to switch IP or change DNS record and copy the master's sasdb2 database from backup to slave. Problem now: the authentication there will not work because the slavehost itself is running with another hostname and imap logins are locking for tetstuser@hostname-slave in the sasldb2 now and will not find those users. In other words: I have a master and a slave with two different hostnames, but want to use the same sasldb2 in copy without having duplicate userIDs like tetstuser@hostname-slave and tetstuser@hostname-master in it. Possible? Ciao!