Or may I add an instruction to Sendmail.cf file to process aliases properly by Cyrus?
Please advice.
On Thu, Nov 7, 2013 at 2:24 PM, Denis Lapshin <deniza956@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I think, if I disabled checking mailbox alias existence as real Cyrus mailbox Majordomo maillists will work as expected with aliased e-mail addresses or am I wrong about it?I have fully working setup of my mailserver based on OpenBSD with Sendmail 8.14.5 + Cyrus-SASL 2.1.25 + Cyrus-imapd 2.4.13 software.Trying to add Majordomo mail list functionality to it, but Cyrus always checking that mailbox is present in system despite that its name is an alias in Sendmail "aliases" file or Majordomo "asliases.majordomo" file.
Thank you for answer in advance.
Best regards,
Denis Lapshin
E-mail: deniza956@xxxxxxxxx