Hi all,
It's been a while now I am trying to implement the Digest authentication with the Cyrus SASL library and I don't understand how to proceed. * initial call from client:
1. sasl_server_new()
2. sasl_setprop(http_request)
2. sasl_setprop(http_request)
3. sasl_server_start()
4. send the challenge provided by previous function
5. sasl_dispose
* second request from client (containing authentication information):
1. sasl_server_new()
2. sasl_setprop(http_request)
3. sasl_server_start("clientin = authentication http header")
3. I tried instead sasl_server_step but it doesn't work either.
4. sasl_disposeI expect the third step to authenticate the user with the `clientin` I provide - from http request header - but I only get a floating point exception :(.
Could you please help me with what would be the right process ?