Apologies for the extra traffic- forgot to say this was sasl 2.1.25. In Cyrus SASL 2.1.25 the runpath (-rpath) value is set incorrectly in plugins/Makefile.am: diff -r cyrus-sasl-2.1.25/plugins/Makefile.am cyrus-sasl-2.1.25.ntrepid/plugins/Makefile.am 52c52 < AM_LDFLAGS = -module -export-dynamic -rpath $(plugindir) -version-info $(plugin_version) --- > AM_LDFLAGS = -module -export-dynamic -rpath $(libdir) -version-info $(plugin_version) 65c65 < sasldir = $(prefix)/lib/sasl2 --- > sasldir = $(plugindir) Two changes here: 1. $(libdir) is the correct value for runpath- it's supposed to point to the shared libraries sasl plugins will use, not to other sasl plugins. 2. sasldir (the location of the plugins) is set to $(plugindir)- if we can tell configure where we think plugins should go, why not actually install them there? The other reason this is important is that $(prefix)/lib/sasl2 is not correct for 64-bit libraries on certain platforms that support 32- and 64-bit libraries on the same system, notably HP-UX and Solaris. The configure script shouldn't be in the business of guessing the correct way of munging the path, so that should be specified with plugindir via configure. Cheers, -Matt Matthew Hardin Symas - The LDAP Guys http://www.symas.com