On 26/05/11 16:50 +0700, Nguyen, Quoc Khanh wrote:
Oh, my god... It's failed... too. When i checked TLS/SSL by ldapsearch and it worked OK... I... I'm so confusing about this problem. After relax for a while, i decide to go back for your way: use STARTTLS. And when i tested for many times, i have a result: root@ldap:/usr/local/sasl2/sbin# ./testsaslauthd -u khanhnq -p 123456 0: NO "authentication failed" root@ldap:/usr/local/sasl2/sbin# ./testsaslauthd -u khanhnq -p 123456 0: OK "Success." root@ldap:/usr/local/sasl2/sbin# ./testsaslauthd -u khanhnq -p 123456 0: NO "authentication failed" root@ldap:/usr/local/sasl2/sbin# ./testsaslauthd -u khanhnq -p 123456 0: NO "authentication failed" root@ldap:/usr/local/sasl2/sbin# ./testsaslauthd -u khanhnq -p 123456 0: OK "Success." root@ldap:/usr/local/sasl2/sbin# ./testsaslauthd -u khanhnq -p 123456 0: NO "authentication failed" root@ldap:/usr/local/sasl2/sbin# ./testsaslauthd -u khanhnq -p 123456 0: OK "Success."
How many threads (saslauthd option -n) are you starting? Does it make any difference if you set that value to 0, 1, or a higher number than 5 (the default)? To help debug, try running saslauthd with '-d', and add this (undocumented) command to your saslauthd.conf: ldap_debug: -1 -- Dan White