On 24/03/10 15:13 -0400, Mikhail T. wrote:
I wish to use saslauthd, because all of my IMAP-users are also
Unix-users. The only non-default settings, that match sasl* in my
imapd.conf are:
sasl_minimum_layer: 0
sasl_pwcheck_method: saslauthd
Testing with testsaslauthd works fine:
testsaslauthd -u cyrus -p c
0: OK "Success."
Unfortunately, cyradm keeps failing:
cyradm --user cyrus --server localhost
Login disabled.
cyradm: cannot authenticate to server with as cyrus
After every such attempt to run cyradm, the server logs:
"perl: No worthy mechs found"
allowplaintext: 1
The default configuration for the Cyrus IMAP server does not allow clear
text mechs (plain/login) to be used without some other form of network
protection in place, like TLS.
You might also want to check the permissions on the saslauthd mux and make
sure the cyrus user has access to it.
Dan White