--On Thursday, August 20, 2009 10:14 AM -0400 Ken Murchison
<murch@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I'd like to announce the release of Cyrus SASL 2.1.24 RC1 on
ftp.andrew.cmu.edu. This release candidate includes numerous bugfixes
and several minor feature enhancements. For a complete list, look at the
NEWS file in the distribution. I'd like to get some independent testing
of this code before I make a final release.
Please send any feedback either to cyrus-sasl@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
(public list) or to cyrus-bugs@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Thanks Ken, I'm testing now.
On mac, when regenerating with automake on MacOSX 10.5 (we add our own sasl
auth mech) I get:
+ automake -a -c -f
java/CyrusSasl/Makefile.am:46: wildcard ../lib/*.lo: non-POSIX variable name
java/CyrusSasl/Makefile.am:46: (probably a GNU make extension)
java/CyrusSasl/Makefile.am:52: patsubst %.class,CyrusSasl.%,$^: non-POSIX
variable name
java/CyrusSasl/Makefile.am:52: (probably a GNU make extension)
although it seems non-fatal.
Also, I thought that on the mac, the files were supposed to be ".plugin"
not ".so" now. At least, that's my understanding from the NEWS file:
New in 2.1.24
* Build:
- Updated to use .plugin extension on MacOS
Because that's not what I end up with:
bash-3.2# ls
libanonymous.2.0.24.so libcrammd5.2.0.24.so libdigestmd5.2.0.24.so
libgssapiv2.2.0.24.so liblogin.2.0.24.so libotp.2.0.24.so
libanonymous.2.so libcrammd5.2.so libdigestmd5.2.so
libgssapiv2.2.so liblogin.2.so libotp.2.so
libanonymous.la libcrammd5.la libdigestmd5.la
libgssapiv2.la liblogin.la libotp.la
libanonymous.so libcrammd5.so libdigestmd5.so
libgssapiv2.so liblogin.so libotp.so
Quanah Gibson-Mount
Principal Software Engineer
Zimbra, Inc
Zimbra :: the leader in open source messaging and collaboration