Re: Configuring saslauthd for ldap

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--On Thursday, July 23, 2009 12:46 PM +0700 Olivier Nicole <on@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:


Your log indicates its a TLS negotioation failure.

This may be missleading as I use SSL, not TLS.

Does it work if you don't use TLS?

If I configure without SSL:

   ldap_servers: ldaps://

If I configure with SSL:

  ldap_servers: ldaps://

What you say above makes zero sense to me. There are two types of LDAP bits that can do SSL encryption:

(a) startTLS (ldap v3 RFC standard)
(b) ldaps://, usually on port 636.  Not part of any standard, but a hack.

Now, what exactly do you mean by you configured without ssl but are using ldaps://? That makes *no* sense.

At a guess, one of the problems you may be having on the saslauthd side is that it can't find the CA cert to validate the connection.



Quanah Gibson-Mount
Principal Software Engineer
Zimbra, Inc
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