Can I ask about cyrus-sasl2 and saslauthd ?
Actually I already installed cyrus-sasl2 and saslauthd,
I used these environments
OS : Solaris10, Redhat9, Ubuntu8.10
Mail : sendmail, qmail, postfix
installed : openssl, BerkeleyDB
total 9 combinations
first, I compiled Cyrus-sasl2
but it was not working
I used "testsaslauthd" command, and it worked
But when I tried to connect telnet 25, I couldn't
log message was : no sasl-authentication mechanisms
second, I used Cyrus-sasl2 packages
It worked perfectly
So Let me know what is the problem.. or just guess, any ideas?
I have to use cyrus-sasl2 with compiling
I used this option to compile cyrus-sasl2
./configure --disable-anon --enable-plain --enable-login --disable-krb4 --with-saslauthd=/var/run/saslauthd --with-pam --with-openssl=/usr/local/ssl --with-plugindir=/usr/local/lib/sasl2 --disable-cram --disable-digest --disable-otp
- DH, Lee -