> Are you receiving the service principal ticket for the ldap server (e.g. > ldap/<hostname>@REALM)? I am receiving krbtgt/<hostname>@REALM > > The error you're receiving is possibly due to the AD/mit/kerberos > interaction rather than cyrus. I had success trouble shooting a 'packet too > large', or something similar, once with wireshark. That was with Heimdal and > AD. I ended up forcing Heimdal to use TCP when talking to the AD server. In > /etc/krb5.conf: > > [realms] > EXAMPLE.NET = { > kdc = tcp/ad.example.net > kdc = ad.example.net > admin_server = ad.example.net > > - Dan > I have this working perfectly on a CentOS 5.2 system with kernel 2.6.18 using OpenLDAP 2.3.27, cyrus-sasl 2.1.22, and krb5 1.6.1 without any additional configuration. It could certainly having something to do with Linux versus AIX or OpenLDAP 2.3.27 versus 2.4.12 or krb5 1.6.1 versus 1.6.3.