Re: Using SASL for LDAP/mod_authz_ldap

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Darren Hartford wrote:

Hey all,

Usecase blurb:

I’ve been trying to follow the **many** threads on both tigris and collabnet where people are trying to get the ‘svnserve’ tool setup to use SASL w/ ldap. No one has met with success, or if they have there is insufficient information to reproduce.

Discussions around saslauthd, auxprop, PAM, and EXTERNAL bounce around.

Most people have gone back to using apache/httpd with the mod_svn_dav module to expose and secure their SVN repositories. I personally have had success securing with the mod_authz_ldap module.

<Location /svn>

DAV svn

SVNParentPath /var/svnroot

AuthzSVNAccessFile /etc/opt/CollabNet_Subversion/conf/svn_access_file

AuthType Basic

AuthName “SVN repo”

AuthLDAPURL ldap://…./dc=blah, ou=blah?uid

AuthBasicProvider file ldap

AuthUserFile /etc/top/Collabnet_Subversion/conf/svn_auth_file

AuthzLDAPAuthritative on

AuthLDAPGroup AttributeIsDN off

AuthLDAPGroupAttribute memberUid

Require valid-user



How can we setup sasl to use an existing mod_authz_ldap setup for securing another service such as ‘svnserve’ that uses SASL to re-use already known security configurations?

I'll offer some general advice, since I haven't used Subversion's SASL support.

Assuming that your Subversion server has been compiled against Cyrus SASL, you will need to configure the library using its standard options. These options are documented withing 'doc/options.html' within the Cyrus source, or here:;content-type=text%2Fhtml

You place your configuration in /usr/lib/sasl2/<service name>.conf, such as /usr/lib/sasl2/svnserve.conf. However, depending on how your cyrus libraries have been compiled, and depending on how Subversion may have customized it's use of Cyrus, the location of that configuration may reside elsewhere.

Within Cyrus SASL library configuration, there are a couple of ways (disregarding PTS) that come to mind to make use of LDAP. You can configure an ldapdb auxprop plugin or you can configure saslauthd to use its LDAP backend. Another option, outside of Cyrus, is to configure saslauthd to use its PAM backend, and then use an LDAP PAM module to perform authentication.

The link above discusses how to configure the ldapdb auxprop plugin. saslauthd is documented in its own man page, and in the file '/saslauthd/LDAP_SASLAUTHD' within the Cyrus source.

- Dan

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