Torsten Schlabach wrote:
I don't think these patches might ever hurt anyone. I had asked Howard
Chu who's an experienced guy both here as well as with OpenLDAP (I
understand he's even the head of OpenLDAP) and even he did not have
any means of getting that patch in.
If this was an Apache project, then I knew what I'd do to get the
patch in. But the Cyrus SASL lib project does not seem to have a bug
This is actually not true. Check <>
and no list of people with write access to the CVS so one could ask
Yes. This is missing. The following people have commit access to the CVS:
Ken Murchison <murch@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Jeff Eaton <jeaton@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
and myself.
Getting that patches committed would be the only way to make sure this
functionality will ever show up in any offical packages on Debian, Red
Hat, etc. and will become mainstream functionality.
Considering that I have my own fork of LDAPDB, I am probably in the best
position to take care of this.
But first of all, I hope you can make it work. In case you can, please
let us know and in case a vote will be needed to get this patches
committed, maybe you could vote for it?
Let me know if I can be of any further help.