Hi all, Sorry if this is a long email! I'm trying to get my head around SASL, specifically setting up saslauthd with LDAP as the backend. Environment: ============ Fedora Core 5 OpenLDAP 2.3.19-4 Cyrus SASL 2.1.21-10 Objective: ========== I want to be able to setup and verify that Cyrus SASL is able to authenticate successfully. Background: =========== User information is stored in OpenLDAP. The LDAP directory tree looks like this: dc=aeonflux,dc=localdomain | +----+----------+ | | o=domain1.tld o=domain2.tld | +----+----+ | | ou=People ou=Groups | uid=john.doe,ou=People,o=domain1.tld,dc=aeonflux,dc=localdomain mail: john.doe@xxxxxxxxxxx Note: I do not have IMAP installed and I want to test that saslauthd can authenticate correctly first before I install Cyrus IMAP. LDAP: ===== I have setup OpenLDAP on localhost, non-SSL. I can verify that the user exists in the directory tree: [root@jadeblue ~]# ldapsearch -H ldap://localhost:389 -xv \ -D "cn=ldaproot,dc=aeonflux,dc=localdomain" -W \ -b "ou=People,o=domain1.tld,dc=aeonflux,dc=localdomain" \ -LLL "(mail=john.doe@xxxxxxxxxxx)" uid ldap_initialize( ldap://localhost:389 ) Enter LDAP Password: filter: (mail=john.doe@xxxxxxxxxxx) requesting: uid dn: uid=john.doe,ou=People,o=domain1.tld,dc=aeonflux,dc=localdomain uid: john.doe saslauthd: ========== By default, Fedora Core 5 starts saslauthd with PAM as the backend, so I had to change the startup file (/etc/sysconfig/saslauthd): MECH=ldap And I created the following file (/etc/saslauthd.conf): ldap_servers: ldap://localhost/ ldap_auth_method: bind ldap_filter: mail=%u ldap_base: ou=People,o=domain1.tld,dc=aeonflux,dc=localdomain Testing with testsaslauthd: =========================== And I tried authenticating using this command: testsaslauthd -u john.doe@xxxxxxxxxxx -p pass123 I get this: 0: NO "authentication failed" And in /var/log/messages, I get: Sep 25 13:26:26 jadeblue saslauthd[3099]: do_auth : auth failure: [user=john.doe@xxxxxxxxxxx] [service=imap] [realm=] [mech=ldap] [reason=Unknown] Questions: ========== I'm pretty sure I am missing something here, and the clue is probably the "[service=imap]" in the logs.I haven't installed Cyrus IMAP installed (yet), so I'm not sure where the defaults are set. The thing is, I want to verify that saslauthd can see the users in my LDAP directory before I install Cyrus IMAP. Is this possible ? Thanks in advance, and again, sorry for the long email. -- Pascal Chong email: chongym@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx web: http://cymulacrum.net pgp: http://cymulacrum.net/pgp/cymulacrum.asc "La science ne connaît pas de frontière parce que la connaissance appartient à l’humanité. et que c’est la flamme qui illumine le monde." -- Louis Pasteur
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