The problem was I copied (with sftp) the file saslsb2.db from one machine to the other machine. Afterwoods Cyrus Imap could not read this file. Then I updated all entries in this file with saslpasswd -c "username" by hand and it works. Any ideas why?
2006/9/7, Alexey Melnikov <alexey.melnikov@xxxxxxxxx>:
Martin Schweizer wrote:
> Hello
> - Can update cyrus sasl without any problems?
There were no changes to the sasldb format.
> Is the file sasldb2 compatible?
> - Can I move/copy the file from one host to another?
I am not entirely sure, because I don't know if SleepyCat is using the
same byte order on all platforms.
Martin Schweizer
Fax: +1 619 3300587
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