Hello, My system: ---------- i've a pma430: it runs a custom 2.4.19-rmk7-omap1 linux kernel and has busybox... I can't change the kernel because it has proprietary modules such as the framebuffer,and that i don't know C yet so i can't port the hard-drive fpga based controller to a 2.6 kernel. I also can't change the compiler: gcc-2.95 because of a kernel bug: binaries created with another compiler than the custom gcc-2.95 can't run with the custom 2.4.19-rmk7-omap1 kernel. The CPU runs at about 150Mhz and is an arm9(I know it because it has 74.34 bogomips), and it has 48 MB of ram that can be used(the other part of the 64MB of ram is used by the bootloader) It runs the openpma 0.2 distribution(svn with a custom kernel...see below) Why i've chosen loop-aes: ------------------------- What i'd like to do is to have a strongly encrypted partition of about 30GB minus the space for the OS(at the beginning i'd like not to have the rootfs encrypted for simplicity),for now i've only made a small test partition Because LUKS is not available for a 2.4 kernel,and that i needed performance(truecrypt is in userspace...and truecrypt is not truly free(as in freedom) ),and that cryptoloop is subject to watermarking attack and no longer maintained ,i've chosen loop-aes... what i've done in order to install loop-aes: -------------------------------------------- I've created a gpg key I've re-partitionned the pma's hdd(before it had a fat32 partition(needed because it boots on a root filesystem that is inside it), and an ext2/3 partition(where lives the real os)) to add an ext2 encrypted partition of less than 5GB(I don't remember the exact size) I've added a test file to the new partition with nano I've encrypted the new partition with aespipe 2.3d using the following command: dd if=/dev/mydevice | aespipe -K key.gpg | dd of=/dev/mydevice I've re(cross)compiled the custom 2.4.19-rmk7-omap1 linux kernel and removed the loop module that is only needed if you install a new system... I've cross compiled the following programs or modules: -loop-aes v3.2c module(it lives at /lib/modules/2.4.19-rmk7-omap1/block/loop.o but i can only insmod it(not modeprobe it) in the image of the boot filesystem) -the patched(using the patch provided by loop-aes) linux-utils 2.12r -gpg 1.4.9 I've copied the cross-compiled gpg,the patched linux-utils and the gpg key into my device at /media/linux-utils/ (/media is the mount point for the fat32 partition) i've made the following script to test the setup that i've copied into /media/linux-utils/: #!/bin/sh insmod /lib/modules/2.4.19-rmk7-omap1/block/loop.o export PATH="$PWD:$PATH" ./mount -t ext2 /dev/ahd/disc0/part3 /media/mnt/ -o loop=/dev/loop/6,encryption=AES128,gpgkey=./key.gpg (in one line in the real script) The problem: ------------ insmod works fine: dmesg shows: "loop: loaded(max 8 devices)" but the mount command doesn't work: it asks for the password, then use the cpu at 100% and it is used by system not application according to a qopia application named system info...but didn't give me back my prompt with the help of ##crypto in freenode i've tried the following command: losetup -e aes128 -K key.gpg /dev/loop/6 /dev/ahd/disc0/part3 and again it asked for the password,used the cpu at 100% and didn't give me back my prompt... What could be the cause? - Linux-crypto: cryptography in and on the Linux system Archive: http://mail.nl.linux.org/linux-crypto/