hello, > > dd if=/dev/hda3 bs=64k | /mnt/aespipe -e AES256 -K /mnt/rootkey -gpg -G / | dd of=/dev/hda3 bs=64k conv=notrunc > ^^^^ > this does not belong here On my screen, the 4 "roofs" are showing approx. 1cm right under the word notrunc, I do not understand what is false. Under point 20 of your (loop-AES-)README.txt with date from 10.April 2006 I found this command-sequence I just fetched from the usbstick where it was, for error-security, cutted + pasted and so include typos from the 3.try. dd if=/dev/hda3 bs=64k | /mnt/aespipe -e AES128 -K /mnt/rootkey.gpg -G / | dd of=/dev/hda3 bs=64k conv=notrunc Instead of the algo-byte-number I just found no error/difference, sorry. > What version of aespipe did you use? 2.3b on Testsystem and on PC. Maybe.............. for debian-dependency-reasons I had to install gnupg.deb and than compiled the gnupg.tar.bz2 over it and made the other steps. I had a sharp eye that the self-compiled gnupg-1.4.3 was the last to write and that the patch was working and gnupg realy resides in the unencrypted /boot. Regards, Reverend - Linux-crypto: cryptography in and on the Linux system Archive: http://mail.nl.linux.org/linux-crypto/