I'm on step 19 of "7.6. Example 6 - Boot from CD-ROM + encrypted root partition". dd if=/dev/hda2 bs=64k \ | /mnt/aespipe -e AES128 -K /mnt/rootkey.gpg -G / \ | dd of=/dev/hda2 bs=64k conv=notrunc returns "gpg key file decryption failed". I tried it more than 10 times and even recreated rootkey.gpg/changed the passphrase. The keymaps are identical. What else could cause this problem?Maybe because /mnt partition does not have statically linked gpg program. aespipe program uses gpg to decrypt the key file.
Well, I now tried a passphrase without special characters and it worked. But I have no idea why because as I've said the keymaps are identical (I checked that at the konsole).
Any other ideas why this could happen?
How can I change my passphrase?
Is there a way to create a second valid passphrase (to avoid to lock me out if the new passphrase won't work)?
- Linux-crypto: cryptography in and on the Linux system Archive: http://mail.nl.linux.org/linux-crypto/