Hank Leininger wrote: > Heh, I think I see what you are doing ;) > > Well, this seems to work! I was able to losetup ; mkfs ; mount, and am > now looping over some dd if=/dev/zero of=foo.$A runs to fill/touch more > of the disk; will follow with some bonnie's and such. This is probably > only a temporary workaround but it works for me. > > Thanks for the quick test-fixes! First patch made memory allocations less aggressive. Second patch removed runtime memory allocations completely, and relied solely on pre-allocated pages. So, 2.4.9 VM goes south under intense memory allocation storms. Hank, if it isn't too inconvenient, can you test unmodified loop-AES-v1.4d with kernels 2.4.9-ac10 (not the newer -ac15) and 2.4.10aa1, both of which have different VM than 2.4.9. Patches are here: ftp://ftp.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/people/alan/linux-2.4/2.4.9/ ftp://ftp.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/people/andrea/kernels/v2.4/ Regards, Jari Ruusu <jari.ruusu@xxxxxxxxxx> Linux-crypto: cryptography in and on the Linux system Archive: http://mail.nl.linux.org/linux-crypto/