To whom it shall concern: dd if=/dev/urandom of=test count=5000 losetup -e blowfish /dev/loop0 ./test (I also tried "AES", that failed too) I enter 128, and the password "123" (just for testing, I know better) I get the following error message: The cipher does not exist, or a cipher module needs to be loaded into the kernel ioctl: LOOP_SET_STATUS: Invalid argument I went into the /lib/modules/kernel/crypto directory and did an insmod on every ".o" file in there, still get the above message! I also patched util-linux-2.11g using the util-linux-2.11b patch (and yes it seemed to have worked okay). I built and installed the entire package. As well, perhaps someone can help me: I am not so conversant on using /etc/modules.conf; I would like these modules to get loaded automatically when needed as well, I have a modem driver, which I want to do the same, cant get that to work either (ltmodem, for using "linmodems") Very Respectfully, Stuart Blake Tener, IT3, USNR-R, N3GWG VTU 1904G (Volunteer Training Unit) stuart@xxxxxxxxxxx west coast: (310)-358-0202 P.O. Box 16043, Beverly Hills, CA 90209-2043 east coast: (215)-338-6005 P.O. Box 45859, Philadelphia, PA 19149-5859 Telecopier: (419)-715-6073 fax to email gateway via (it's free!) JOIN THE US NAVY RESERVE, SERVE YOUR COUNTRY, AND BENEFIT FROM IT ALL. Saturday, July 07, 2001 11:49 AM Linux-crypto: cryptography in and on the Linux system Archive: