Re: how to fsck

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Brad Brad wrote:
> Strangly enough, i did get fsck to work by deleting the loop, then
> re-running the S07losetup startup script again.

Sounds like some sort of miscompilation. Please post exact commands that you
used to configure, compile and install your kernel, as well as command that
you used to compile loop-AES' module.

> Like i said earlier, the loop still exists when i simply unmount as i can
> remount without password prompt, but fsck couldn't get a clue about the FS
> until loop was deleted and re-created.

In my previous reply, I asked for you to disclose your exact fsck command
syntax that you used. Please post that. Otherwise you are just wasting my

Please post output of these commands after you experience the fsck problem:

    tune2fs -l /dev/loop2
    losetup -a
    ls -l /etc/mtab
    uname -a

> Another thing though, i've had no swapspace since the "2.4.19 or 2.4.20
> breaks encrypted swap" thread at the start of the year, has this been fixed
> now?  Does newest loop-aes fix it or must i use 2.4.21?

This problem is fixed in loop-AES-v1.7b and later versions.
v1.7b was released in January.

Jari Ruusu <jari.ruusu@xxxxxxxxxx>

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