loop-aes crashes with raid5 ?

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Hello again...

> Richard Zidlicky's loop-AES problem was probably a compile problem. He
> compiled 3 different kernels with some of the source tree shared and then
> compiled 3 copies of loop.o drivers for those 3 kernels. I suggested to him
> that he compile 1 kernel and then loop.o for that kernel, and repeat that 3
> times.

Do you know if he tried it on raid5 ?

> Could you provide exact commands that you used to compile your kernel and
> loop.o + loop_serpent.o external modules. And I mean all commands, starting
> with "make distclean" or something.

i installed a new kernel-source via rpm, made menuconfig
deactivated loop.o (like it is said in your README) and made bzImage & 
installed it with lilo, also made make modules and make modules_install
then exactly followed the other instructions in your README
to install and patch the losetup and mount stuff.

> > loopback device without encryption works perfectly....
> Was that with loop-AES' loop.o or or RedHat kernel's loop?

the first: loop-AES

> Were the smaller partitions raid5 devices or just plain partitions. Is this
> problem with loop-AES on top of raid5 device, or problem with loop-AES on
> top of big partition?

today i tested loop-AES on a 70 Gig partition _without_ raid5 
encryption worked without problems - but i have no 200 gig partition without 
raid :( to test

Did anyone install a (maybe big) raid5 partition with loop-aes?

Have you the chance to test loop-aes in conjunction with raid5 ?

I think now that it is the combination of raid5 + loop-aes that doesn't work 
- cant imagine why but it seems so. ( for me) 

Best regards,

Marcus Roelz

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