Il 24/02/14 16:06, Christine Caulfield ha scritto:
Hi Alessandro
Thanks for those. I can see that CMAN was told by some external
program to send that KILL to node 2 from this line here:
daemon: client command is 8000000c
It's not clear what might be asking cman to do this. A common culprit
is qdisk, but I can't see any qdisk in your cluster.conf or log files
so it must be something else. I'm don't think pacemaker does anything
like that.
I can see you have pacemaker-managed drbd on the system so that might
be worth investigating - I can't see any actual drbd messages in those
log files so they might be elsewhere.
Hi Christine
I'll try to upgrade to latest drbd and if problem persist contact drbd
ml to debug this problem
thank you
Sorry, I can be more help, but this seems to be cause (at least nor
directly) but either corosync or cman :/
On 24/02/14 13:10, Alessandro Bono wrote:
Hi Christine
attached log file from two nodes (too big for ml)
[root@ga1-ext ~]# zgrep -i kill
Feb 22 22:51:39 corosync [CMAN ] memb: Sending KILL to node 2
no gfs, dlm or qdisk in this cluster
configuration infomation below
<cluster config_version="8" name="ga-ext_cluster">
<cman two_node="1" expected_votes="1"/>
<totem token="3000" consensus="5000" />
<logging_daemon name="corosync" debug="on"/>
<clusternode name="ga1-ext" nodeid="1">
<method name="pcmk-redirect">
<device name="pcmk" port="ga1-ext"/>
<clusternode name="ga2-ext" nodeid="2">
<method name="pcmk-redirect">
<device name="pcmk" port="ga2-ext"/>
<fencedevice agent="fence_pcmk" name="pcmk"/>
pacemaker configuration
crm configure show
node ga1-ext \
attributes standby="off"
node ga2-ext \
attributes standby="off"
primitive ClusterIP ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr \
params ip="" cidr_netmask="24" \
op monitor interval="30s"
primitive SharedFS ocf:heartbeat:Filesystem \
params device="/dev/drbd/by-res/r0" directory="/shared"
fstype="ext4" options="noatime,nobarrier"
primitive dovecot lsb:dovecot
primitive drbd0 ocf:linbit:drbd \
params drbd_resource="r0" \
op monitor interval="15s"
primitive drbdlinks ocf:tummy:drbdlinks
primitive mail ocf:heartbeat:MailTo \
params email="root@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" subject="ga-ext cluster
- "
primitive mysql lsb:mysqld
group service_group SharedFS drbdlinks ClusterIP mail mysql dovecot \
meta target-role="Started"
ms ms_drbd0 drbd0 \
meta master-max="1" master-node-max="1" clone-max="2"
clone-node-max="1" notify="true"
colocation service_on_drbd inf: service_group ms_drbd0:Master
order service_after_drbd inf: ms_drbd0:promote service_group:start
property $id="cib-bootstrap-options" \
dc-version="1.1.10-14.el6_5.2-368c726" \
cluster-infrastructure="cman" \
expected-quorum-votes="2" \
stonith-enabled="false" \
no-quorum-policy="ignore" \
last-lrm-refresh="1392499995" \
rsc_defaults $id="rsc-options" \
Cordiali saluti
Alessandro Bono
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